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sensitive 敏感的                complicated 结构复杂的 shoulder 肩膀 delegate 代表 fruit 水果 official 正式的 passenger 乘客 fork 叉 highly 非常 lose 失去 baggage 行李 distance 距离 model 模型 honey 蜂蜜 bottle  瓶子 stereo 立体声 desirable 令人

USTC English Club Note20211206

#Musical Introduction# Waitress There's one thing I have to mention first. If you couldn't accept one to have an affair with someone or sexual content, you'd better not watch it. Many main characters of it all have an affair with others.  


通过判定鼠标移入移出方向的最小值,用JQ实现遮幕追随鼠标移动方向移入移出的动画效果 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-CN"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">     <meta n


文章目录 一、数据可视化讲解1.选用工具2.具体代码 二、效果展示 一、数据可视化讲解 1.选用工具 选用Echarts可视化组件,在vue中搭建Echart的环境,选择理由是其有优美的交互动画,不需要自己再去处理 2.具体代码 将统计好的数据放入data return的变量中,在Echarts具体方法


  import requests from lxml import etree url="https://s.weibo.com/top/summary?Refer=top_hot&topnav=1&wvr=6" header={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73


1.打开微博网页:https://s.weibo.com/top/summary?Refer=top_hot&topnav=1&wvr=6 2.右键打开网页源代码   3.导入相应的库 4.编写代码 import requests from lxml import etree url="https://s.weibo.com/top/summary?Refer=top_hot&topnav=1&wvr=6" header={'User-A


1 -- UPDATE 2 UPDATE affair_list 3 SET deleteState = 0 4 WHERE gid IN ( 5 SELECT tt.gid 6 FROM ( 7 SELECT a.gid 8 FROM affair_list a 9 INNER JOIN (10 SELECT basicCode, impleCode,


微博热搜的爬取较为简单,我只是用了lxml和requests两个库   url=https://s.weibo.com/top/summary?Refer=top_hot&topnav=1&wvr=6  1.分析网页的源代码:右键--查看网页源代码.                      从网页代码中可以获取到信息             (1)热搜的