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You are carrying out an investigation to determine how your pet Basilisk Lizard is able to "wal

You are carrying out an investigation to determine how your pet Basilisk Lizard is able to "walk" across the surface of a liquid. The two liquids you are investigating are water and oil. The water is H2O and the oil is made up of really long-cha


发表时间:2020(ICLR 2020) 文章要点:这篇文章设计了几个指标来度量RL算法的可靠性。这个可靠性主要是指训练过程稳不稳定啦,算法训练是不是可复现啦,训好的模型的performance是不是稳定呀balabala。整个设计指标还是很简单的。其实一共设计了两个指标(dispersion:the width of a distribu

【MOS】 [INS-41112] Specified network interface(文档 ID 1427202.1)

[INS-41112] Specified network interface doesnt maintain connectivity across cluster nodes. (文档 ID 1427202.1)  In this DocumentPurposeDetailsReferencesAPPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later   Information in this doc

Global Search file content in Gitlab repositories, search across repositories, search across all fil

How Global Search file content in Gitlab repositories(search across repositories)? There is an existing answer to it, we can file the source code here  https://github.com/phillipj/gitlab-search Yes, that's a Gitlab solution sit in Github :-)    maybe

服务总线 消息对列 发布订阅 —— What is Azure Service Bus?

原文: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-messaging-overview   Microsoft Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise message broker with message queues and publish-subscribe topics. Service Bus is used to decouple ap

POJ3608 Bridge Across Islands

题目链接 问题分析 题意即求两个凸包间的最小距离。 一开始十分暴力地写了一个闵可夫斯基和,后来发现变种的旋转卡壳转一转就好了QAQ 闵可夫斯基和的思路十分简单,下面看一下旋转卡壳的做法: 不难发现两个凸包间的最短距离一定像上图那样。所以我们只需要枚举一个凸包的边,找另一个凸

单细胞数据整合方法 | Comprehensive Integration of Single-Cell Data

Comprehensive Integration of Single-Cell Data 实在是没想到,这篇seurat的V3里面的整合方法居然发在了Cell主刊。 果然:大佬+前沿领域=无限可能 可以看到bioRxiv上是November 02, 2018发布的,然后Cell主刊June 06, 2019正式发表。 方法的创意应该在2017年底就有了,那时候我才刚来做si