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Warning: Accessing non-existent property xxxx of module exports inside circular dependency

    好像是stylus的问题,说node版本太高,要降低版本,于是我继续查找资料,在Github上找到了这个答案     node_modules\stylus\lib\nodes\index.js在index.js文件中加上以下代码,成功解决~   exports.lineno = null; exports.column = null; exports.filename = null;

Accessing the attributes by function getattr() and putting into the OrderedDict()

from collections import OrderedDictdel_attr = ["function", "module"]def parse_config(cfg_module): args = [ i for i in dir(cfg_module) if not i.startswith("__")] config = OrderedDict() for arg in args: k = arg

计算机体系结构-卡内基梅隆X哔哩哔哩大学 L1.课程概要介绍

主要介绍了Fallingwater这栋别墅,很牛,有钱了搞一套(逃 提到了一个比较有趣的内存安全问题,rowhammer攻击,由于dram设计上相邻存储单元挨得很近,频繁地通电会对相邻的cell产生影响 Flipping bits in memory without accessing them: an experimental study of DRAM disturbance er


Array https://leetcode.com/explore/featured/card/fun-with-arrays/521/introduction/3295/ snippet= piece of simplicity variant Accessing Elements in Arrays two primitive operations

跨域问题 Blocked a frame with origin "http://......" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

为了轻松偷懒,不想从目的项目中开发目标项目中的页面,但目的项目中需要获取老项目中的页面,这里用了iframe跨域链接页面出现了问题 Blocked a frame with origin "http://......" from accessing a cross-origin frame. 出现此报错的原因是因为在http://driversys.edaijia.cc 下操

error: The requested URL returned error: 401 Unauthorized while accessing

在使用git pull、git push、git clone会报类似如下的错误:  error: The requested URL returned error: 401 Unauthorized while accessing https://git.oschina.net/zemo/demo.git/info/refs  fatal: HTTP request failed 一般是由于git版本的问题。  使用如下指令查看版本: