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Academic Style

Include essay + report. can't use contraction it's -> it is hasn't -> has not can't use informal words: conjunction should go in the middle of a sentence 60% -> 60 percentage some -> precise+specific data but -> h

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学术写作(Scientifi & Academic Writing in English)

Rather than ‘Count every word’, we should ‘make every word count’. Remove every useless or extra word. when writing articles in English: 1.Make the strategy of your text clear, not implicit. 2.Refer immediately to all the main items involved. 3.Make

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干货分享:Academic Essay写作套路详解

  你想过如何中立的表达自己吗?大概只有10%不到的同学,会真正重视这个细节。但很多留学生能顺利写完作文已经不容易,还要注意什么中立不中立的。我知道这个标准,对许多同学有些过分,但很残酷的告诉你,这的确是写作的隐藏关卡之一。在academic essay的要求中,impersonal lanaguage是老师

Writing service

So, it is most likely the most crucial portion of the years spent researching for a college degree. You may be good at writing, hunting information, and creating analysis, but you still may find it complicated to write an excellent and what's more im


学生或许会在完成一篇写作时遇到不少难题,比如文章中的新词汇和新思想会让学生们感到无所适从。因此,我会更注重为学生创造一个积极探索的创作环境,让他们勇于提问,一起解决他们遇到的难题。 并且在课堂上我非常鼓励学生们勇敢地用批判性思维角度,表达自己对于文章的看法和感受。我也会

留学生怎样完成Academic writing

确定主题、开始写作之前,你需要制定写作计划,最好把文章的大纲写下来,这有助于你明确自己的写作方向及呈现方式。然后写引言,引言是一篇综述的核心,引言的目的有三,一是引入基本概念并提供必要背景;二是解释主题的重要性以引起读者的兴趣;三是总结综述其他部分的主要内容。 每篇综述都应