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方法返回多个对象 @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Builder public class Apple { private String name; private Integer price; } @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Builder public class Watermelon { private String name; pri


例外/异常处理程序:  学习C语言或者Java中,编译器可以捕获很多语法错误,但是在Python中,只有在程序运行后才会执行语法检查。所以,只有在运行或测试程序时,才会真正知道该程序能不能正常运行,因此,掌握一定的异常处理语句和程序调试方法是十分必要的。 程序中常见的一些错误,已经封装好

Python Tuple(元组)相关介绍和操作

python元组相关介绍和操作 1. 元组概念:2. 元组和列表的区别:3. 创建元组4. 元组正反向索引5. 访问元组6. 元组的修改6.1 元组组合(相加)6.2 元组的删除 7. 元组运算符8. 元组内置函数8.1 len(tuple)函数8.2 max(tuple)函数8.3 min(tuple)函数8.4 tuple(iterable)函数 1.

第 45 届国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ICPC)亚洲网上区域赛模拟赛 E Eat Walnuts

传送门 E Eat Walnuts As we all know, in the ACM ICPC held in 2017, the organizer of Xinjiang University presented a box of walnuts to each coach. Our coach is happy to share with the team members except Mr.Watermelon. He is going to test Mr.Watermelon wi

Eat Walnuts(区间DP)

题目连接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/8688/E CSDN食用链接:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43906000/article/details/109407374 As we all know, in the ACM ICPC held in 2017, the organizer of Xinjiang University presented a box of walnuts to each coach. Our coach i

Codeforces - A. Watermelon

A. Watermelon time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 64 megabytes input standard input output standard output One hot summer day Pete and his friend Billy decided to buy a watermelon. They chose the biggest and the ripest one, in their o


有时候,出于某种目的,需要将数组转化成对象,一个简单快速的方法是就使用展开运算符号(...): var fruits = [“banana”, “apple”, “orange”, “watermelon”]; var fruitsObj = { …fruits }; console.log(fruitsObj); // returns {0: “banana”, 1: “apple”, 2: “orange”,

The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Xuzhou 2019 徐州网络赛 C Buy Watermelon

The hot summer came so quickly that Xiaoming and Xiaohong decided to buy a big and sweet watermelon. But they are two very strange people. They are even-numbered enthusiasts. They want to cut the watermelon in two parts, and each part weighs two times as