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PromptDet: Towards Open-vocabulary Detection using Uncurated Images

使用image-text pair数据+anation数据训练的2阶段检测模型FastRCNN,具有开集检测能力 1、动机 引入image-text pair LAION-400M数据集,训练开集检测模型 2、模型 2阶段检测模型Fast RCNN,分类层换成CLIP模型text encoder生成分类器 针对image-text pair数据集LAION-400M利用方式的问



从dataframe中选择特征数据 # select the basic features ratings = ratings.map(lambda x: { 'movie_title':x['movie_title'], 'user_id':x['user_id'] }) movies = movies.map(lambda x: x['movie_title']) # 构建词汇表,将用户id和电影

Kotlin Vocabulary _ Kotlin 内建代理,写给即将正在找工作的Android攻城狮

public final String invoke() { return name + lastname; } })); 让我们来观察 lazy() 的源码。由于 lazy() 函数默认使用 LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED 参数,因此它将返回一个 SynchronizedLazyImpl 类型的 Lazy 对象: public actual fun lazy(initializer: () -> T):

English Vocabulary

A en cn abdomen 肚子 abandon 放弃 B en cn C en cn D en cn E en cn F en cn G en cn H en cn J en cn L en cn M en cn N en cn nerve 神经 O en cn P en cn prec

[paper reading][ESWC 2005] Temporal RDF

ESWC 2005 https://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~cgutierr/papers/temporalRDF.pdf Resource Description Framework, incoporate temporality 1 Introduction properties, binary predicates typing temporal database version, time label valid time, transaction time two

VUE路由导航,(路由拦截 登录、权限、跳转限制)。VUE生命周期:beforeRouteLeave

需求:用户编辑后,若池中有数据,则在离开页面时提示保存。 由于一个页面不单会有返回,还会有其他各个页面的导航,导致单把逻辑写在返回按钮中无法实现需求。路由导航可以做到: 官方文档 参考 router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { console.log(to); // 即将要进入路由的对象

F2F-L5U2 Deciding on a pet

Date 12/13/2020 Topic L5U2 Deciding on a pet Socre 6/9 Teacher caroline.zhang.1 Hi eistert,today we talked about 'sth is (not)as + adj as sth' sb(do/doesn't) as adv as sb the two formal sentence pattern I can 1 use adjectives to express wh

Vocabulary:notoriety - militia

1.  notoriety     His treason gained his notoriety which has lasted even to this day.     (the state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality)   2.  mow     With this machine, I can easily mow the lawn.     (to cut (something,

GRE Vocabulary:banal - rapport

1.   banal      I've seen this banal plot in TV series a million times.     (boring or ordinary: not interesting)     (ban 禁止 + al... 的 --> 被禁止的 --> banal 平庸的,陈腐的 )   2.  neophyte      Of course she's just a neophyte studen

GRE Vocabulary:chromatic - unctuous

1.  chromatic     The chromatic wheel shows how all the colors relate.     ( highly colored )    2.  coalesce     The members coalesced into one team.     (to come together to form one group or mass)   3.  unctuous     I don't tr

Vocabulary: hoarse - contemptuous

1.hoarse   My voice is hoarse today from singing too much karaoke last night.   ( (of a person or voice) sounding rough and unpleasant, especially because of a sore throat )   2.bosom   Where is my bosom? It's gone!   (a woman's chest or breasts

图像检索 Bag Of Features

BOF 图像检索 一、图像检索是什么?二、BOF(Bag Of Feature)模型1.BOW2.BOF3.BOF 算法过程 三、BOF实现 一、图像检索是什么? CBIR(Content-Based Image Retrieval,基于内容的图像检索)技术用于检索在视觉上具相似性的图像。这样返回的图像可以是颜色相似、纹理相似、图像中的物

Vocabulary: mileage - raisin

1.  mileage     As an F1 driver, my daily mileage training involved more than 500 miles.     (distance traveled in miles by a vehicle)   2.  khaki     These khaki pants are great because they don't show the dirt!     (a yellowish-brown co

Vocabulary: Intercept - Consul

Intercept He managed to intercept the ball before it reached the net. (to catch or receive (a pass made by an opponent))   Deadweight The deadweight of this truck is 10 tons. Don’t overload it!        (burden)   Pentagon (a flat shape that has f

GRE vocabulary: Foible - Flaccid

1.     Abysmal The condition of these buildings is abysmal. (extremely poor or bad)   2.     Impecunious The impecunious man is forced to eat food from the trash. (having little or no money)   3.     Encomium I was happy to receive the encomium