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Sanitizers for C Compilation

gcc has some useful tools to help us find bugs. Example: gcc -lpthread -fsanitize=thread #check data race gcc -fsanitize=address #check memory error Actually, there are many other sanitiers which can be the option:

BDC project 记录

\section{Problem Definition} There is a data set of records on drug reviews, and we need to develop algorithms to predict the rating level of a drug given by a review. In other words, this is a text classification problem. Comments, useful count, side ef

[搬运]A List of Useful Equations in Competitive Programming

原文链接。 Combinatorics General $\displaystyle \displaystyle \sum \limits_{0\leq k \leq n} {n-k \choose k} = Fib_{n+1}$ $\displaystyle \displaystyle {n \choose k}={n \choose n-k}$ $\displaystyle \displaystyle {n \choose k}+{n \choose k+1}={n+1


the surface of the soup 汤的表面 three generations of people 三代人 there is a job vacancy 有一个职位缺人 secondhand smoking 二手烟 reserve tables 订座 lots of useful information concerning plants 关于植物的有用的信息 the policy in this company 公司规定 his

写 Python 脚本时,一定要加上这个

我发现有不少朋友写 Python 脚本非常随意,要么不用函数,要么函数随处定义,反正第一眼看不出要执行的第一行代码位于何处,这样的脚本可读性很差,而且容易隐藏 bug,解决这个问题很简单,当我们写 Python 脚本时,一定要加上这个: def main(): # do something print("do something.") if __nam

The 7 Most Useful Data Analysis Methods and Techniques

https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/data-analytics/data-analysis-techniques/ Data analytics is the process of analyzing raw data to draw out meaningful insights. These insights are then used to determine the best course of action. When is the best time to r


      harbor低版本的数据不能直接导入到高版本,因为其中数据库字段,表等等均会在版本的升级过程中发生变化,需要将老的harbor中的镜像导出到本地,打上tag,再推送到新的harbor服务器,其整体思路如下:            1.通过harbor的API获取到所有的项目            2.通过项


直接上代码,懒得讲了 emoji表情图片大全需要什么自己可以复制过来使用https://www.emojidaquan.com/http://www.fhdq.net/emoji/emojifuhao.html 先看效果                html代码       <template> <!-- 聊天 --> <view class="consult"> <!-- 卡片

Java编程思想(第七章 复用类&&第八章 多态)

第七章 方法覆盖 Java SE5中新增加了 @Override 注解,它虽非关键字,但可以用作关键字。当编写程序想要覆盖某方法时可以选择添加,在不小心将方法重载而非注释时,编辑器将会报错。 protected关键字 它指明“就类用户而言,这是private”,但对于任何继承与此类的导出类(子类)或其他位于

What is Mineral Separation?

Mineral separation is the process that uses preparation equipment to separates useful ore from the raw material according to the differences of the physical property and chemical property among different materials. The purpose of mineral separation is to

CF1483D Useful Edges

一、题目 点此看题 \(n\) 个点 \(m\) 条边的无向图,边有边权,有 \(q\) 个三元组 \((u,v,l)\),存在一个三元组使得存在一条路径以 \(u,v\) 为端点,长度不超过 \(l\),并且经过这条边,那么这条边就合法。求合法边的数量。 \(2\leq n\leq 600,1\leq m,q\leq\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\) 二、解法 把题

[Tools] YAML

If you are new to YAML, here is a useful link to a blog on YAML. YAML tutorial Here is a free tool that was mentioned in the video that can convert YAML code to JSON and vice versa: https://www.json2yaml.com/  

S4 PPDS Technical collection 重要技术信息

  useful tables   /SAPAPO/APPLOCS Location Types in APO /SAPAPO/CULLHDR Determine Key for Cluster Table /SAPAPO/CURTOPPE Additional Header Data for PP/DS Production Data Structures

SAP UI5和微信小程序框架里的全局变量

SAP UI5 in global variable sap.ui there are many useful utility service available, such as current browser and os information. and use sap.ui.getCore().byId, we can get any UI5 control instance by its id: 微信小程序 wx for Wechat mini program is as sap.ui f

leetcode-36 + this may be useful when development is performed under newer sdk version

判断一个 9x9 的数独是否有效。只需要根据以下规则,验证已经填入的数字是否有效即可。 数字 1-9 在每一行只能出现一次。数字 1-9 在每一列只能出现一次。数字 1-9 在每一个以粗实线分隔的 3x3 宫内只能出现一次。 上图是一个部分填充的有效的数独。 数独部分空格内已填入

「工具」Some useful tools

「作图」https://csacademy.com/app/graph_editor/ 「作图」https://www.geogebra.org/geometry 「查询」http://bytew.net/OIer/ 「编译」https://www.luogu.com.cn/ide 「进制转换」https://tool.oschina.net/hexconvert/ 「编译」https://c.runoob.com/compile/12 「HTM

Useful NumPy functions: Reshape, Argpartition, Clip, Extract, Setdiff1d

In everyday data processing for Machine Learning and Data Science projects, we encounter unique situations, those require boilerplate code to solve the problem. Over the period some of those are converted into base features provided by the core language o

useful website

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/ESimon/p/3833840.html http://www.finweb.com/loans/the-7-types-of-repurchase-agreements.html#ixzz36H6ZsPY4   jetty http://ipjmc.iteye.com/blog/1840063 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/ESimon/p/3833840.html


使用nvidia-smi query: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3751/~/useful-nvidia-smi-queries https://developer.download.nvidia.cn/compute/DCGM/docs/nvidia-smi-367.38.pdf

Linux学习笔记(7)-- Other useful UNIX commands

  Other useful UNIX commands   quota All students are allocated a certain amount of disk space on the file system for their personal files, usually about 100Mb. If you go over your quota, you are given 7 days to remove excess files. To check your current


In order to demonstrate that economics is capable of joining the environmental sciences in a seamless way, it will prove useful to begin with a discussion of two issues that are much in the news today. The first is the subject of an acrimonious debate bet

Some useful Javascript variables/functions in Sharepoint

Here is a list of some useful Javascript variables/functions that I collected from many articles online. I have tested all these variables/functions in SharePoint 2010. All these are available Out-Of-The-Box, you don’t need to add any javascript libraries


\(Description:\) 给出汉诺塔玩了几步之后的状态,\(pos[i]\) 表示第 \(i\) 小的盘子在 \(pos[i]\)。 求出玩到现在是不是最优解,如果是最优解,那么现在是第几步。 \(Sample\) \(Input:\) 2 3 1 \(Sample\) \(Output:\) 1 \(Solution:\) 害怕,我居然从来没做过汉诺塔的题。。。 不