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Hw08 of CS61A of UCB

Q1: My Filter Write a procedure my-filter, which takes a predicate func and a list lst, and returns a new list containing only elements of the list that satisfy the predicate. The output should contain the elements in the same order that they appeared in

Hw06 of CS61A of UCB

OOP Q1: Vending Machine In this question you'll create a vending machine that only outputs a single product and provides change when needed. Create a class called VendingMachine that represents a vending machine for some product. A VendingMachineob

Lab10 of CS61A of UCB

Q2: Over or Under Define a procedure over-or-under which takes in a number num1 and a number num2 and returns the following: -1 if num1 is less than num2 0 if num1 is equal to num2 1 if num1 is greater than num2 Challenge: Implement this in 2 differen

Lab06 of CS61A of UCB

Mutability Write a function which takes in a list lst, an argument entry, and another argument elem. This function will check through each item in lst to see if it is equal to entry. Upon finding an item equal to entry, the function should modify the li

hw04 of CS61A of UCB

Mobiles Q2: Weights Implement the planet data abstraction by completing the planet constructor and the size selector so that a planet is represented using a two-element list where the first element is the string 'planet' and the second element

UCB CS 61A - Homework 1

Q1: A Plus Abs B Fill in the blanks in the following function definition for adding a to the absolute value of b, without calling abs. A1 """ Return a + abs(b), but without calling abs. >>> a_plus_abs_b(2, 3) 5 >>> a_plus

【转载】 推荐系统 EE 问题与 Bandit 算法

原文地址: https://toutiao.io/posts/584etm/preview         -------------------------------------------------------------------------   生活中你可能会遇到类似的情况,你在网上购买了手机,淘宝之后会不断给你推送关于手机相关的商品;如果你看了关于NBA詹姆斯的相关新闻,

UCB CS 61A - If Function vs Statement

Problem Let's write a function that does the same thing as an if statement. def if_function(condition, true_result, false_result): """ Return true_result if condition is a true value, and false_result otherwise. >&

UCB CS 61A - If Function vs Statement

Problem Let's write a function that does the same thing as an if statement. """ Return true_result if condition is a true value, and false_result otherwise. >>> if_function(True, 2, 3) 2 >>> if_function(False, 2, 3)

Upper-Confidence-Bound(UCB) Action Selection

Background In ε-greedy method, we randomly choose non-greedy actions as exploration, but indiscriminately, with no preference for those that are nearly greedy or particularly uncertain. Upper-Confidence-Bound In order to take into account both how close

强化学习(二):贪心策略(ε-greedy & UCB)

强化学习(二):贪心策略(ε-greedy & UCB) 夏栀的博客——王嘉宁的个人网站 正式上线,欢迎访问和关注:http://www.wjn1996.cn   强化学习是当前人工智能比较火爆的研究内容,作为机器学习的一大分支,强化学习主要目标是让智能体学习如何在给定的一个环境状态下做出合适的决策。强化

计算机公开课推荐 2019.8

欢迎任何人参与和完善:一个人可以走的很快,但是一群人却可以走的更远。 ApacheCN 面试求职交流群 724187166 ApacheCN 学习资源 编程 哈佛 CS50:计算机科学导论 视频 MIT 6.00.1x:计算机科学和 Python 编程导论 视频 中文版教材 UCB CS61a:计算机程序的构造与解释(Python) 主页

计算机公开课推荐 2019.8

原文:https://blog.csdn.net/wizardforcel/article/details/102682374 欢迎任何人参与和完善:一个人可以走的很快,但是一群人却可以走的更远。 ApacheCN 面试求职交流群 724187166 ApacheCN 学习资源 编程 哈佛 CS50:计算机科学导论 视频 MIT 6.00.1x:计算机科学和 Python 编

UCB CS61b——Class 1

编译 在terminal中,运行Java程序,首先dir(相当于Linux中的ls)和cd到对应文件夹 javac xxx.java编译Java程序 C:\Users\phoeb\IdeaProjects\beginner\src\hello_pkg>javac hello_world.java 用window中的type命令查看编译出的class文件(不同于Linux中的cat) C:\Users\phoeb\IdeaP