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LeetCode 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck

原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-units-on-a-truck/ 题目: You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the n

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20220714课堂笔记 上午 一、0713作业讲解 package com.easy0714;​public class Easy {​    public static void main(String[] args) {        Truck t1 = new Truck("red");//等价于   t1.color = "red";        t1.transport();​        Truck t2 = new Tru


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1710. Maximum Units on a Truck

You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the number of boxes of type i. numberOfUnitsPerBoxi is the number of units in

1710. Maximum Units on a Truck (E)

Maximum Units on a Truck (E) 题目 You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the number of boxes of type i. numberOfUnitsPerB


Object365数据集365种类别名称 此类别名称是2019版数据集的名称,与2020版本不同 1:human 2:sneakers 3:chair 4:hat 5:lamp 6:bottle 7:cabinet/shelf 8:cup 9:car 10:glasses 11:picture/frame 12:desk 13:handbag 14:street lights 15:book 16:plate 17:helmet 18:leather s

[LeetCode] 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck

You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the number of boxes of type i. numberOfUnitsPerBoxi is the number of units in

1710. Maximum Units on a Truck

package LeetCode_1710 import java.util.* /** * 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck * https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-units-on-a-truck/ * You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. * You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxType

Big Truck(Dijkstra)

题目链接 带权最短路,Dijkstra模板题 一开始傻傻的用Floyd求,怎么也算不对,后来又用DFS,最后一个样例超时…最后用Dijkstra求的… 后来上网查的资料才知道Dijkstra是经典的求取带权最短路算法. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #incl


目的 建造者是创建一个复杂对象的一部分接口。 有时候,如果建造者对他所创建的东西拥有较好的知识储备,这个接口就可能成为一个有默认方法的抽象类(又称为适配器)。 如果对象有复杂的继承树,那么对于建造者来说,有一个复杂继承树也是符合逻辑的。 注意:建造者通常有一个「流式接口」,例如

Poj 1789 Truck History

题意就是一堆字符串,每个点之间的距离就是字符串不同的字母个数,字符串长度都是7 把不同字符个数存到图里面,然后用prim算法就行 poj放不下map[2001][2001],所以放到全局区   #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int map[2001][2001] = { 0 }; int

Truck History最小生成树

Truck History 原题链接https://vjudge.net/contest/352170#problem/E 题意为有 n行字母 他们之间的距离就是不同字母的个数,相当于题目将所有的地点给出,我们只需要枚举写出地图,正常计算即可。 注意Kruskal很容易记忆化超限, Prim: #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #i

Truck History POJ - 1789

题目链接:https://vjudge.net/problem/POJ-1789 思路: 题目意思就是说,给定一些长度为7的字符串,可以把字符串抽象为一个点, 每个点之间的距离就是他们本身字符串与其他字符串字符不同的个数。 之后就是一个最小生成树的板子。 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <iostream> 3 #incl


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Description A group of cows grabbed a truck and ventured on an expedition deep into the jungle. Being rather poor drivers, the cows unfortunately managed to run over a rock and puncture the truck's fuel tank. The truck now leaks one unit of fuel ever