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NC24870 [USACO 2009 Dec G]Video Game Troubles

题目链接 题目 题目描述 Farmer John's cows love their video games! FJ noticed that after playing these games that his cows produced much more milk than usual, surely because contented cows make more milk. The cows disagree, though, on which is the best game co

Troubles and Obstacles

All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. The hardships that I encountered in the past will help me succeed in the future. Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them, they

1034 [USACO 2009 Dec G]Video Game Troubles 分组背包变式*

题目难度 中等 推荐理由 考验对背包问题的理解 题目知识点 分组背包,0/1背包 题意 农夫约翰有预算 VV,有 NN 台游戏机,每台游戏机价格为 P_iPi​。每台游戏机有G_iGi​个独立游戏,只有买了这台游戏机才能玩对应的游戏,每个游戏价格为 GP_jGPj​,玩了之后奶牛产量增加 PV_jPVj​。