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Philosophical Issues in Tourism(一)

Chapter 1 Philosophical Issues in Tourism JOHN TRIBE Introduction The more I have studied tourism, the more I have been drawn to three questions that are perennial ones in philosophy. These are questions about truth, beauty and virtue. Indeed, I have mad

CF1310D Tourism

吐槽: 为什么这场CF…不寻常,1D不应该是2F么…[悲] 题意: 给定一个完全图,路径带权且 \(dis_{i,j}\) 不一定等于 \(dis_{j,i}\),边数为\(k\)不存在奇环且起点和终点都是\(1\)的最小路径。 由于要满足不存在奇环,需要将这个图黑白染色,然后每次都经过黑白边,这样就不会有奇环。但是枚举这

Codeforces 1220E. Tourism

传送门 这是一道英语题,首先要读懂题目: $\text{Alex believes that his trip will be interesting only if he will not use any road twice in a row.}$ 这句话意思是不会连续走一条路,但是同一条路是可以走多次的 所以对于一个边双联通分量,是可以全部走一遍并可以从联通分量里的任