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打开Eclipse时提示“JVM is not suitable for this product”问题的解决

今天打开Eclipse时弹出一个错误提示,无法正常打开。 “Version 1.8.0_131 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 11 or greater is required.” 之前印象中是可以正常打开的。 起初以为是JDK没装,或者装的版本太低了,把电脑里的JDK 13版本想再装一下,提示已经安装了

SpringBoot启动报错Failed to determine a suitable driver class

SpringBoot启动报错Failed to determine a suitable driver classSpringBoot启动报错Failed to determine a suitable driver class 我的错误原因与网上其他的原因不同,故记录 项目结构: 我的项目是有继承关系的多模块结构 其中springboot的启动项在api模块中,由于项目原因,我将api

【Spring】No suitable HttpMessageConverter repsonse type

1.概述 一个flink项目,然后我修改了一下报错了,错误如下 Caused by: feign.codec.DecodeException: Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type [com. BaasResponse<java.util.List.DictRead

linux 中 无法连接网络 No suitable device found for this connection

No suitable device found for this connection 可能是这两个服务被各种管家关掉了 手动打开即可 点赞 收藏 分享 文章举报 kaguya579 发布了14 篇原创文章 · 获赞 0 · 访问量 69 私信 关注

LED And Incandescent, Who Is Suitable For Holiday Lighting?

Fast-fire advantages of LED lighting: Eco-friendly-LEDs are not made of toxic chemicals, such as mercury in fluorescent lights. In addition, the long life of these bulbs means that one LED light can save the production of about 25 incandescent bulbs!Long-