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Mocks Aren't Stubs

The term 'Mock Objects' has become a popular one to describe special case objects that mimic real objects for testing. Most language environments now have frameworks that make it easy to create mock objects. What's often not realized, howev

c# – RhinoMock中带有存根的可选参数

我想存根一个接收2个布尔参数的函数.第一个是必需的,第二个是可选的.如果我尝试将Arg.Is.Anything发送到第一个但没有第二个信息,我收到一个错误: System.InvalidOperationException:使用Arg时,必须使用Arg.Is,Arg.Text,Arg.List,Arg.Ref或Arg.Out定义所有参数.预期有2个参数,1个已被

Python – 嘲笑还是存根?

我有一个方法可以调用其他两个方法. def main_method(self, query): result = self.method_one(query) count = self.method_two(result) return count def method_one(self, query): #Do some stuff based on results. #This method hits the database. return resu


Go语言开发(二十)、GoStub测试框架 一、GoStub简介 GoStub是一款轻量级的单元测试框架,接口友好,可以对全局变量、函数或过程进行打桩。GoStub安装:go get github.com/prashantv/gostub 二、GoStub常用方法 gostub用于在测试时打桩变量,一旦测试运行时,重置原来的值。 type Stubs struct {