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Rasa课程、Rasa培训、Rasa面试系列之: Rasa 3.x Stories

课程关键词:Rasa、Microservices、Knowledge Base、Microservices 、Action Server、Rasa Server、Action、Event、ActiveLoop、LoopAction、FormAction、FormValidationAction、CollectingDispatcher、Tracker、DomainDict、TwoStageFallbackAction、Proxy Pattern   课程内容:

什么是3C和用户故事 (User Stories)

用户故事是敏捷软件开发中的一种工具,用于从用户的角度获取软件特性的描述。用户故事描述了用户的类型,他们想要什么以及为什么。用户描述有助于创建需求的简化描述。 用户描述的目的是记录项目将如何向最终用户交付价值。然后,开发团队的工作就是开发满足用户需求的代码。在最好


数据中心是现代信息网络的重要基础设施,由于网络需求的不断增加, 对数据中心服务器的规模要求也越来越大。目前,数据中心常见的网络系统架构为三层架构,包含核心层、汇聚层以及接入层。下面易天光通信(ETU-LINK)就给大家介绍下传统数据中心网络架构及互连方案。 (1)接入层 接入层由各功能

scrapy genspider -t crawl --小例子

“刷脸支付系统”是一款基于人脸识别系统的支付平台,该系统无需钱包、信用卡或手机,会自动将消费者面部信息与个人账户相关联,支付时只需要面对设备屏幕上的摄像头即可,整个交易过程高效、便捷。 刷脸支付是依据人脸识别技术,是通过对人脸的面部特征进行识别,是结合了生物识别技术和图形


require.context 你可以通过 require.context() 函数来创建自己的context。 可以给这个函数传入三个参数:一个要搜索的目录,一个标记表示是否还搜索其子目录, 以及一个匹配文件的正则表达式。 webpack 会在构建中解析代码中的 require.context() 。 语法如下: require.context(directo

INVEST Stories / SMART Tasks

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/RelaxTintin/archive/2009/05/19/1460432.html The information was extracted from XPlorationsXP teams have to manage stories and tasks. The INVEST and SMART acronyms can remind teams of the good characteris

data can be manipulated to tell many inconsistent stories

https://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~stark/SticiGui/Text/preface.htm Know that data can be manipulated to tell many inconsistent stories, that data analysis is not clear cut, and that many subjective judgments are involved in analyzing real data.

INVEST Stories / SMART Tasks

The information was extracted from XPlorationsXP teams have to manage stories and tasks. The INVEST and SMART acronyms can remind teams of the good characteristics of each. In XP, we think of requirements of coming in the form of user stories. It would b

INVEST Stories / SMART Tasks

The information was extracted from XPlorationsXP teams have to manage stories and tasks. The INVEST and SMART acronyms can remind teams of the good characteristics of each. In XP, we think of requirements of coming in the form of user stories. It would b