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英国皇家学会(The Royal Society),全称"伦敦皇家自然知识促进学会",成立于1660年。学会的院士名字后缀会加上FRS勋衔(Fellow Royal Society)。 当初Fellow可能就是”同仁“的意思。语法?Touching for ‘the King’s evil’: a short history The Association for Computing Machine

Internet Hall of Fame(互联网名人堂)

https://www.internethalloffame.org/机构背景: http://www.internetsociety.org/ 关于名人堂https://www.internethalloffame.org/about WHAT IS THE INTERNET HALL OF FAME?® The Internet Hall of Fame® (www.internethalloffame.org) is a recognition program and virtual


Dresses up: the history of fashion accessories 服饰:时尚配饰的历史 提到这个话题,不禁想到之前看过的电影《一个购物狂的自白》。分享其中一首插曲《Calling You》。 In the Victorian era, a wealthy woman wouldn’t dream of [0]leaving the house without covering he


救命作文1 Provided that our human society intends to acquire and enjoy long-time prosperity,it is (not) advisable for humans to maintain their innovative minds. Living in an era of information,we are using a variety of technological products, (which are based

初级美语 L087:Society Is Changing Rapidly 解析

一、Reading Society is changing rapidly. As a result, more and more people are suffering from stress. Those who are stressed out are often nervous, angry or ill. People must, therefore, learn to deal with this "new" kind of problem. Regular exerci

攻防世界 reverse 进阶 8-The_Maya_Society Hack.lu-2017

8.The_Maya_Society Hack.lu-2017 在linux下将时间调整为2012-12-21,运行即可得到flag。 下面进行分析 1 signed __int64 __fastcall main(__int64 a1, char **a2, char **a3) 2 { 3 size_t v3; // rbx 4 size_t v4; // rax 5 unsigned __int64 size; // rax 6 unsigned

Adopting a dog from a humane society

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/kangshifu/archive/2008/11/23/1339274.html 来源:http://www.howtopet.com/choose-pet/dog/45521.htm   Congratulations! read the paper as I folded it and placed it in my Adoption Bag. I lumbered out to the ca

Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society刘慈欣演讲

刘慈欣不无批评地写道(http://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/2018-11/12/content_37243853.htm):   科幻的想象力由克拉克的广阔和深远,变成赛博朋克的狭窄和内向。 This reality is also reflected in science fiction. Arthur Clarke’s magnificent imagination about space has gradually