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Shooting Game

Shooting Game 1.IDamageable public interface IDamageable { void TakenDamage(float _damageAmount); } 2.LivingEntity using System; using UnityEngine; //这个脚本是PlayerController和Enemy的父、基类,PlayerController和Enemy是这个类的子类、继承类 //C#他是

Codeforces Round #587 (Div. 3) B - Shooting

原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/xwl3109377858/p/11564214.html Codeforces Round #587 (Div. 3) B - Shooting Recently Vasya decided to improve his pistol shooting skills. Today his coach offered him the following exercise. He placed n cans in a row on a table.

[C#, Linq ][Trouble-Shooting] 取出相同的字段名称 ⇒ 使用 List<T> 来解

[C#][Trouble-Shooting] 取出相同的字段名称 → 使用 List 来解 这是为了此篇网友的问题所做的…. 数个CSV档内, 取出相同的字段名称 程序实践: Step 1. 首先开启一个 Concole 项目 Step 2. 在 Main() 中撰写如下的程序 执行结果: 延伸说明: 当