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RvmTranslator-STEP模型简化 eryar@163.com 因为AVEVA PDMS/E3D系统主要采用CSG的造型方式,即用基本体素及其布尔运算来建模。当机械设计软件导出的STEP文件通过机械设备接口MEI导入到PDMS中时,由于数据的不兼容问题导致STEP模型导入PDMS后,PDMS的性能会受到影响。当然,AVEVA也处理了RvmTranslator7.6.4 is Released!
RvmTranslator7.6.4 is Released! eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, glTF.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as AutodeskRvmTranslator7.6.2 is Released!
RvmTranslator7.6.2 is Released! eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, glTF.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as AutodeskRvmTranslator7.6.0 - PDMS PML
RvmTranslator7.6.0 - PDMS PML eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, glTF.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as Autodesk ARvmTranslator7.4.1-Clipping Box
RvmTranslator7.4.1-Clipping Box eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, DXF, 3D PDF, OBJ, 3DXML, IFC,.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD softwaRvmTranslator7.3.2
RvmTranslator7.3.2 eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, DXF, 3D PDF, OBJ, 3DXML, IFC,.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as ARvmTranslator for Linux
RvmTranslator for Linuxeryar@163.comRvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, DXF, 3D PDF, OBJ, 3DXML, IFC,.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such asRvmTranslator7.0-OBJ
RvmTranslator7.0-OBJ eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, DXF, 3D PDF, OBJ, 3DXML, IFC,.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as