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@目录前言本文说明 请大家务必查看环境准备详细版入门:搭建步骤Istio软件包下载下载Istio卸载简洁版安装卸载学习不走弯路,gz号「yeTechLog」 前言 上一篇讲了什么是Istio的理论篇,这次我们就来实际操作。 想看上一篇理论篇的看这里(看完绝对有所收获): [Istio是什么?] 还不知道你就out

Apache Curator与Zookeeper版本兼容性异常:org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$UnimplementedException: KeeperE

ZooKeeper Version 3.4.x Compatibility ZooKeeper 3.4.x is now at end-of-life. Consequently, the latest versions of Curator have removed support for it. If you wish to use Curator with ZooKeeper 3.4.x you should pin to version 4.2.x of Curator. Curator 4.2.


1 简介 在分析时间窗的惩罚函数基础上,建立了带有时间窗的多配送中心车辆调度模型,针对模型设计了两阶段求解算法,先通过扫描算法把客户化分到不同的配送中心负责配送,然后采用遗传算法求解带有时间窗的多配送中心的车辆调度模型,最后,结合算例仿真计算验证了算法的有效性. 现有

Mybatis 通用分页插件PageHelper

Mybatis 通用分页插件 PageHelper 基于 PageHelper 分页 实现步骤: 1.maven坐标 <dependency> <groupId>com.github.pagehelper</groupId> <artifactId>pagehelper</artifactId> <version>5.1.10</version> </dependency> 2.加入 plugin 配置

运行 ./goland.sh报错OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in versio

问题: 运行 ./goland.sh报错 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release. 原因: 我用的是网上的经常出现的呢个破解方法,原因是goland配置的破解补丁路径出错 解决办法: 找到golan

ORA-27157、ORA-27300 OS post/wait facility removed

ORA-27157、ORA-27300 OS post/wait facility removed rhel7.2上安装11g数据库后,其中一个数据库实例经常会自动crash。查看alert日志发现以下错误信息: Errors in file /d12/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/rac12c/rac12c2/trace/rac12c2_j000_21047.trc: ORA-27157: OS post/wait fa

vue element-ui更新版本后,警告[Element Migrating][ElDialog][Attribute]: size is removed.

element-ui更新版本后Icon的变化原来在input组件中可以用icon这个属性指定icon <el-input placeholder="请输入用户名" icon="search" v-model="input" :on-icon-click="handleIconClick"></el-input> 现在新版element-ui这样写是不生效的:可以通过prefix-icon 和 s

SAP Spartacus 3.0的一些变化

Technical Changes in Spartacus 3.0 Breaking Changes Translations (i18n) changed fixed the typo in the key user.register.managementInMyAccount (previously …managmentInMyAccount)key checkout.checkoutReview.editShippingMethod has been removedkey checkout.c


  在PyCahrm使用pip install scapy安装scapy模块  出现报错:Install packages failed: Installing packages: error occurred. Details...         RemoveError: 'pyopenssl' is a dependency of conda and cannot be removed from  conda's operating environment.  


1、limit分页 (1)mapper接口: List<Student> getStudentByLim(HashMap<String, Integer> map); (2)配置文件: <select id="getStudentByLim" resultType="pers.zhb.pojo.Student" parameterType="map"> select * from

Mysql:Changes in MySQL 5.7.5 (2014-09-25, Milestone 15):innodb_buffer_pool_size parameter is 【dynami

    InnoDB Notes Incompatible Change: The InnoDB storage engine can no longer be disabled. The --skip-innodb option is deprecated and has no effect, and its use results in a warning. It will be removed in a future MySQL version. This also applies

p2v的结束后,开机显示:“ error can't find command ':'”

把CentOS 7的物理机P2V成到Vmwware ESXI平台,结果开机出现“ error can't find command ':'”。 但是回车后进入系统没有什么问题,怀疑是GRUB的原因。查找资料后发现如下解决办法。 1、检查grub.cfg文件。 2、里面会有一些这样的代码。 if ... : # (removed by Converter ...

JDK 13 import new and removed

JDK 13 Release Notes https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/13-relnote-issues-5460548.html#NewFeature 1. hotspot/gc ➜ JEP 351 ZGC Uncommit Unused Memory     ZGC was enhanced to return unused heap memory to the operating system. This is useful

【MyBatis笔记】MyBatis 配置SQL打印

MyBatis 配置SQL打印 在 SqlMappingConfig.xml 中配置以下代码: <!--配置sql打印--> <settings> <setting name="logImpl" value="STDOUT_LOGGING"/> </settings> 运行效果:会显示 SQL 语句,查询结果,总共几条数据,最后把数据封装成对象。 Logging initialized using '

Continuous Same Game (1) 简单的模拟dfs() 很好过

Problem Description Continuous Same Game is a simple game played on a grid of colored blocks. Groups of two or more connected (orthogonally, not diagonally) blocks that are the same color may be removed from the board. When a group of blocks is removed, t

莫名奇妙虚拟机 ip addr 不显示 ip 地址,连不上网络

CentOS7 Failed to start LSB: Bring up/down networking.  说是mac地址不对。其实,本人并没有配置mac,按理说用的默认的。之前一直是可以正常工作的。为解决问题,也尝试配了一下。 随后使用以下命令解决的。也不知道什么原因,其实。 试一下: systemctl stop NetworkManager systemctl

Cable TV Neteork

Description The interconnection of the relays in a cable TV network is bi-directional. The network is connected if there is at least one interconnection path between each pair of relays present in the network. Otherwise the network is disconnected. An emp

UVA11683 Laser Sculpture【水题】

Since its invention, in 1958, the laser has been used in a huge variety of applications, like electronic equipment, cirurgical instruments, weapons, and much more.     The image above shows a diagram of an equipment to sculpt, with a laser, a block of so