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RvmTranslator7.6.4 is Released!
RvmTranslator7.6.4 is Released! eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, glTF.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as AutodeskPipeCAD 1.0.6 is Released!
PipeCAD 1.0.6 is Released! eryar@163.com Key Words. PipeCAD, 三维管道设计软件,三维工厂设计软件 PipeCAD 1.0.6 版本发布啦!修改登录界面,感谢rompik(Roman)的贡献。完善Python控制台右键菜单,去掉自带的菜单,增加清空Python 控制台菜单。还有其他一些细节的完善。 1 修改登录界面PipeCAD 1.0.3 is Released!
PipeCAD 1.0.3 is Released! eryar@163.com Key Words. PipeCAD, 三维管道设计软件 PipeCAD 1.0.3 版本发布啦!PDMS三维文字工具免费使用!在PipeCAD创建三维文字,并能通过PML宏文件导出功能,将三维文字导入到PDMS中。 1 增加创建三维文字功能 在面板GENERAL中点击创建三维文RvmTranslator7.6.2 is Released!
RvmTranslator7.6.2 is Released! eryar@163.com RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, glTF.etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as AutodeskRabbitMQ从入门到精通【二】RabbitMQ安装
目录 一、RabbitMQ安装准备 二、Windows安装 下载安装包 安装Erlang 安装RabbitMQ 三、Linux安装 安装包下载 命令行安装 可能的问题 四、集群部署 集群方案说明: 所需环境 开始搭建 解除集群 HAProxy 环境搭建 一、RabbitMQ安装准备 安装任何组件都QT pressed,released和clicked。
pressed():鼠标按下时触发。对应的函数是 mousePressEvent()。clicked():鼠标松开时触发。如果鼠标拖拽到按钮区域之外释放则不会触发。对应的函数是 mouseReleaseEvent()。一般情况下 connect 槽函数时使用该信号。released():鼠标松开时触发。即使鼠标拖拽到按钮区域之外释放也It is undeniable that nowadays mobile
It is undeniable that nowadays mobile phones have become "fast-moving consumer goods" in a sense, and many people think that electronic products cannot be pursued. After all, most people make money far less quickly than electronic products are rKubernetes PV在Retain策略Released状态下重新分配到PVC恢复数据
Kubernetes PV在Retain策略Released状态下重新分配到PVC恢复数据 [TOC] 1. 实验目的和环境说明 原由:在使用helm update stable/sonatype-nexus从1.6版本更新到1.13版本后,出现PVC删除,重新创建PVC的情况,好在原来PV为Retain。故研究下Retain的PV怎么恢复数据。 实验目的:PVC删除PrestaShop - 技术百科 - PrestaShop是一个100%免费的外贸跨境电子商务购物车平台,中文支持非常友好且面向国际化
PrestaShop – 技术百科 – PrestaShop是一个100%免费的外贸跨境电子商务购物车平台,中文支持非常友好且面向国际化 PrestaShop PrestaShop是一个100%免费的购物车平台,没有月租费,没有销售佣金,可帮助大小企业建立和运营成功的在线商店。 PrestaShop是一款针对WEB 2.0 设计的全功能、Qt PushButton的pressed,released,clicked三种响应的区别
Qt的PushButton的常用的三种响应有pressed,released和clicked。 优先级:pressed>released>clicked 按下按钮pressed函数的内容,释放按钮先执行released函数的内容,再执行clicked函数的内容。 当鼠标光标在按钮上时,鼠标左键被按下时,pressed()被发送; 当鼠标左键被释放时,released()被发送TCL Linkhub 5G CPE Released
In the past time, TCL has been particularly noticeable as a contract manufacturer for all kinds of technical products from other brands. Recently, the Chinese manufacturer has also launched products under its own name. One of them is the new 5G Home StatiAVPython:Python Support for ArcView
AVPython embeds the Python programming language within ArcView GIS 3.x. This project will also encompass efforts to build a similar bridge between Python and ArcObjects. An integrated, redistributable Python / PyWin32 setup wizard is also published here.Gradle 发布 Jar 到 Archiva 时提示不能 Overwriting released
系统提示错误信息:Received status code 409 from server: Overwriting released artifacts is not allowed. 这是在 Archiva 默认的配置下如果你不是使用 snapshot 配置的话,是不允许对仓库进行重新部署的。你可以手动修改 Archiva 的配置能够允许你对仓库进行重新部署,但是我们不建OCS R2 September 2011 Updates Released
Looks like OCS R2 just got better. Microsoft has released some updates for OCS 2007 R2. OCS R2 September 2011 Updates Released Looks like OCS R2 just got better. Microsoft has released some updates for OCS 2007 R2. Here are the components that were upSilverlight 3 has Released!
原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/shinyzhu/archive/2009/07/11/silverlight-3-released.html 微软RIA平台Silverlight第三个版本已经正式发布了! 请参考以下链接获取更多信息: - Scott Guthrie's Silverilght 3 kick off announcement- What's New in Sineo4jGuide简单测试
电影实例 neo4j> MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"}) RETURN tom; tom (:Person {born: 1956, name: "Tom Hanks"}) neo4j> MATCH (cloudAtlas {title: "Cloud Atlas"}) RETURN cloudAtlas; cloudAtlas (:Movie {tagline: "Everythi