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Hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) is a respiratory disorder, psychologically or physiologically based, involving breathing too deeply or too rapidly. HVS may present with chest pain and a tingling sensation in the fingertips and around the mouth (paresthesi

Tenth season tenth episode,Chandler was caught cheating on Monica??????

[Scene: Central Perk. Everybody's sitting on the couch and Monica is eating a chunk of cake.] Monica : (really excited) Mmh… this cake is amazing! Rachel : My God, get a room! Monica : I would get a room with this cake. I think I could show this cake

Ninth season twenty-first episode,Chandler and Monica may never have children??????

[Scene: Central Perk] Monica: It's so weird, how did Joey end up kissing Charlie last night? I thought you'd end up kissing Charlie. Ross: Hey, I thought I'd end up kissing Charlie too ok? But SURPRISE! Chandler: I missed most of the party

Ninth season twelfth episode,Phoebe fed a bunch of rats!!!!!!

Scene: Coffee place, Joey is there, Chandler is entering Chandler: Hey Joey: Hey. So where's Mon? Chandler: Oh, she's at home, putting up decorations for Rachel's birthday party tonight. Joey: And you're not helping? Chandler: I tried,

Ninth season eleventh episode,Rachel went back to work before her birth vacation finished??????

Scene: Chandler and Monica's Chandler: Hey! Monica: Good morning, Tiger! I'm making you a nice big breakfast so you can keep up your strength for tonight. You're gonna get me good and pregnant. Chandler: I've got nowhere to go this mor

Eighth season twenty-second episode,does sex promote childbirth???????

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is showing everyone a poster as Ross enters.] Ross: Hey! What are you guys looking at? Joey: Oh, it's a poster for that World War I movie that I'm in, check it out. Ross: Yeah? Wow! It looks really violent! Joey: Uh-hu

Seventh season fourteenth episode,everyone turned thirty??????

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is knocking on Rachel's door, whose door frame is decorated with balloons. The rest of the gang is there as well. Rachel opens the door and the gang blow on noisemakers.] Ross: Happy birthday!!! Monica: Happy birt

Seventh season fourth episode,Chandler could not take pictures!!!!!

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Monica and Phoebe are going through a bunch of pictures as Chandler enters.] Chandler: Hey. Monica: What's the matter? Chandler: Someone on the subway licked my neck! Licked my neck!! Phoebe: Oh Willie

Seventh season second episode,Joey found a dirty book,Rachel had porn???!!!

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, everyone is there having breakfast and Joey enters carrying a loaf of bread.] Joey: Hey! Ross: Hi! Joey: Who wants French toast? Ross: Oh, I'll have some! Joey: Good, me too. (Tosses him the loaf.) Eggs an

Sixth season twelfth episode,whose joke is it on playboy?????

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel and Monica are there. Ross walks in with a magazine in his hand.] Ross: Hey, you're not going to believe this. I made up a joke and sent it in to Playboy. They printed it! Phoebe: I didn't know Play

Sixth season eighth episode,Ross brighten his teeth???!!!

[Scene: Joey and Janine's, Chandler knocks on the front door. Joey answers the door.] Joey: Hey. Chandler: Hi, my name's Chandler. I just moved in next door and I was wondering if you would be interested in battling me in a post-apoplectic world


Thinkgiving night   Ross: Okay, here we go. Okay, Who am I talking to here? I mean, em   well, there is one way that seems to offer a certain acoustical(听觉的)  advantage, but... Carol: Just aim for the bump. Ross: Okay, here we go. em...You know I can'


  如果你母胎单身,二次元死宅,在现实生活中根本谈不到恋爱,大概率你会迷恋美好的纸片人,或者预算够多,买一个充气娃娃幸福一生。   我国早在90年代就预言过“人机恋爱”的未来趋势   对死宅而言,仿真女友早就不是稀奇的概念了。连日本导演是枝裕和都拍过《空气人偶》,可见仿


什么是数据类型? 我们人类可以很容易的分清数字与字符的区别,但是计算机并不能呀,计算机虽然很强大,但从某种角度上看又很傻,除非你明确的告诉它,1是数字,“汉”是文字,否则它是分不清1和‘汉’的区别的,因此,在每个编程语言里都会有一个叫数据类型的东东,其实就是对常用的各种数据类型进行了