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简介: 最近使用Qt6.0开发一个自己串口小工具的时候,遇到了没有QtSerialPort包的情况,一番折腾终于找到了解决方案。。。 一、 在系统自带的卸载更改程序中,找到Qt,点击卸载     二、 点击添加或移除组件(或Add or remove)   三、 找到自己对应的版本,点击Addtional libraries    


  项目   用C++实现了4个经典的字符串模式匹配算法:BF、RK、KMP和BM,并用Qt6完成了GUI。为了便于直观有效地对4个算法进行测试和对比,设计了3种测试模式:   1. 单处理;     使用一个测试数据对单个算法进行测试,查看耗时以及结果是否正确;   2. 批处理1;     使用整个数


尊重原创版权: https://www.gewuweb.com/hot/8414.html Qt6.2发布(含项目代码升级到Qt6吐血经验总结) ### 一、前言 升级到Qt6吐血经验总结 https://gitee.com/feiyangqingyun/qtkaifajingyan#二升级到qt6 我很高兴地宣布 Qt 6.2 的发布。Qt 6.2 是我们一直在努力的版本,因为我们开始


前言 最近下了个Qt6.2.4,想弄个摄像头程序玩,发现网上摄像头相关资料大多都是5+版本甚至是4+版本,而Qt在6+版本中在摄像头方面进行了大改,官方给的教程又大而杂,一言难尽。经过两天折磨总算是知道如何实现最基本的摄像头调用了。 转载请注明超链接出处。 Cmake环境 CmakeLists.txt添加

Qt6 QML Book/Qt for Python/局限性

Limitations 局限性 At the moment, there are some things that are not easily available. One of them is that you cannot easily create QML plugins using Python. Instead you need to import the Python QML “modules” into your Python program and then use qmlRegi

Qt6 QML Book/Qt for Python/安装过程

Installing 安装过程 Qt for Python is available through PyPA using pip under the name pyside6. In the example below we setup a venv environment in which we will install the latest version of Qt for Python: PyPA使用名为pyside6的pip提供了用于Python的Qt。

Qt6 QML Book/扩展QML/理解QML运行时

Understanding the QML Run-time 理解QML运行时 When running QML, it is being executed inside of a run-time environment. The run-time is implemented in C++ in the QtQml module. It consists of an engine, responsible for the execution of QML, contexts, holding

Qt6 QML Book/动态QML/动态QML

Dynamic QML 动态QML Until now, we have treated QML as a tool for constructing a static set of scenes and navigating between them. Depending on various states and logic rules, a living and dynamic user interface is constructed. By working with QML and JavaSc

Qt6 QML Book/网络设置/使用OAuth进行身份验证

Authentication using OAuth 使用OAuth进行身份验证 OAuth is an open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile, and desktop applications. OAuth is used to authenticate a client against common web-services such as G

Qt6 QML Book/网络设置/Web Sockets

Web Sockets The WebSockets module provides an implementation of the WebSockets protocol for WebSockets clients and servers. It mirrors the Qt CPP module. It allows sending a string and binary messages using a full duplex communication channel. A WebSocket

Qt6 QML Book/网络设置/HTTP请求

HTTP Requests HTTP请求 An HTTP request is in Qt typically done using QNetworkRequest and QNetworkReply from the c++ site and then the response would be pushed using the Qt/C++ integration into the QML space. So we try to push the envelope here a little

Qt6 QML Book/网络设置/通过HTTP为用户界面提供服务

Serving UI via HTTP 通过HTTP为用户界面提供服务 To load a simple user interface via HTTP we need to have a web-server, which serves the UI documents. We start off with our own simple web-server using a python one-liner. But first, we need to have our demo us

Qt6 QML Book/多媒体/小结

Summary 小结 The media API provided by Qt provides mechanisms for playing and capturing video and audio. Through the VideoOutput element, video streams can be rendered in the user interface. Through the MediaPlayer element, most playback can be handled, eve

Qt6 QML Book/图形效果/小结

Summary 小结 When creating new user interfaces effects can make a difference between a dull interface and a sparkling interface. In this chapter we've looked at particle effects and shaders. 当创建新的用户界面时,效果可以在枯燥的界面和闪亮的界面之间产生区别。

Qt6 QML Book/图形效果/粒子绘制器

Particle Painters 粒子绘制器 Until now we have only used the image based particle painter to visualize particles. Qt comes also with other particle painters: 到目前为止,我们只使用基于图像的粒子绘制器来可视化粒子。Qt还附带了其他粒子绘制工具: ItemParticle: dele



Qt6 QML Book/画布/画布绘制

Canvas Paint 画布绘制 In this example, we will create a small paint application using the Canvas element. 在本例中,我们将使用Canvas元素类型创建一个小的绘画应用程序。 For this, we arrange four color squares on the top of our scene using a row positioner. A

QT6 源码编译Win32 x86

Windows下64位虽好,但是兼容性不强,目标系统不一定的x64,所以还是决定x86。直接安装就已经是(有)x64,所以需要自己编译x86 主要代码 configure -prefix D:\Qt\install -debug-and-release -opensourceH:\qt6.2.2>cmake --build .H:\qt6.2.2>cmake --install .   目标文件夹(D:\Qt\instal






