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Prove Commit消息聚合使用情况分析

  12月21日,Filecoin举办Filecoin Virtual Community Meetup线上交流会议。   该会议的准则是允许社区所有成员以在线、面对面的方式讨论分享Filecoin生态的发展动向,并给予FIlecoin生态项目和工具的创建者一个向全球观众展示和交流的平台,促进生态建设的信息同步、坦诚交流、共


1.首先引入依赖 <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> <artifactId>fastjson</artifactId> <version>1.2.51</version> </dependency> 2.编写java对象实体类 public class prove { private Integer prove_id;

What Is a Testable Hypothesis?

近期,自己的文章收到审稿人的意见: A hypothesis needs to be presented; 下面是对于这个审稿意见的理解和修改思路: By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Updated January 13, 2019 A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a scientific question. A testable hypothesis is a


哈尔滨工业大学2019年《形式语言与自动机》期末试题 Design a DFA for the language L = {w∈{0,1}* | w contains both 01 and 10 as substrings}. Design a NFA within four states for the language {a}*∪{ab}*. Design regular expressions for language over Σ


list_display = ("apply_prove",) def apply_prove(self, obj): if obj.prove == 1: return "<a href='/' target='_blank'>申请认证</a>" else: return "<span>认证完成<