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Plx使用手册学习-----5 PlxPci_CommonBufferProperties
Syntax: PLX_STATUS PlxPci_CommonBufferProperties( PLX_DEVICE_OBJECT *pDevice, PLX_PHYSICAL_MEM *pMemoryInfo ); PLX Chip Support: All PLX devicesDescription: 返回公共缓冲区属性。 Returns the common buffer properties.Parameters: pDevice Pointer to an open dPlx使用手册学习------6 PlxPci_DeviceFind
Syntax: PLX_STATUS PlxPci_DeviceFind( PLX_DEVICE_KEY *pKey, U16 DeviceNumber ); PLX Chip Support: All devicesDescription: Locates a specific PCIe device and fills in the corresponding device key information. 定位特定的PCIe设备并填写相应的设备密钥信息。ParPlx使用手册学习------5 PlxPci_DriverProperties
Syntax: PLX_STATUS PlxPci_DriverProperties( PLX_DEVICE_OBJECT *pDevice, PLX_DRIVER_PROP *pDriverProp ); PLX Chip Support: All devicesDescription: Returns properties of the PLX driver in use for the selected device 返回所选设备使用的PLX驱动程序的属性Parame