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A Child's History of England.210

Over and above all this, Oliver found that the Vaudois, or Protestant people of the valleys of Lucerne, were insolently [rude and not showing any respect] treated by the Catholic powers, and were even put to death for their religion, in an audacious [reck

A Child's History of England.207

They formed a new Council of State [国事会] after this extraordinary proceeding [event], and got a new Parliament together in their own way: which Oliver himself opened in a sort of sermon [讲道], and which he said was the beginning of a perfect heaven upon e

《Genetic Algorithm Essentials》---遗传算法要点---思维导图---2022

书名:《Genetic Algorithm Essentials》 作者:Oliver Kramer 出版社:Springer 出版时间:2017年