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[Oracle] LeetCode 696 Count Binary Substrings

Given a binary string s, return the number of non-empty substrings that have the same number of 0's and 1's, and all the 0's and all the 1's in these substrings are grouped consecutively. Substrings that occur multiple times are counte

TopCoder 12792 BitwiseAnd 题解

Warning: 所有更新在我的博客发布,在原文食用体验更佳! 题意 原题链接 给 \(m\) 个数 \(\{ori_i\}\),让你添加 \(n - m\) 个数(设这一共 \(n\) 个数为 \(\{a_i\}\)),使得: \(\forall 1 \le i, j \le n,~a_i \operatorname{bitand} a_j \ne 0\) \(\forall 1 \le i, j, k \le n,~a_i \op


1.occur-mode快捷键 M-n: 跳转到下一个匹配行的位置 M-p: 跳转到上一个匹配行的位置 <: 跳转到 *occur* buffer的开始位置 >: 跳转到 *occur* buffer的结束位置 点击匹配行或在匹配行上按回车: 跳转到原buffer中匹配行的位置 g: 刷新 *occur* buffer中的搜索结果. 常用于原buffe


  往前一小时每隔 5 分钟 SELECT to_char(trunc(sysdate,'hh24')+(to_char(sysdate,'mi')-mod(to_char(sysdate,'mi'),5))/60/24 - 1/24+(rownum*5)/(24*60),'hh24:mi') AS occur_hour FROM DUAL

CF587F Duff is Mad

更好的阅读体验 题意 给定 \(n\) 个字符串 \(S_{1...n}\). 定义 \(\text{occur}(t, s)\) 为 字符串 \(t\) 在字符串 \(s\) 中的出现次数. 有 \(q\) 次询问,每次给出 \(l\),\(r\) 和 \(k\),输出 \(\sum\limits_{l\le i\le r}\text{occur}(s_i, s_k)\). \(n,k,\sum |s_i|\le 10^5\) 题

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LeetCode知识点总结 - 696

LeetCode 696. Count Binary Substrings 考点难度StringEasy 题目 Give a binary string s, return the number of non-empty substrings that have the same number of 0's and 1's, and all the 0's and all the 1's in these substrings are grouped consecu


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Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells. A sudoku solution must satisfy all of the following rules: Each of the digits 1-9 must occur exactly once in each row. Each of the digits 1-9 must occur exactly once in each column.