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Cyclic Nacklace 杭电3746

CC always becomes very depressed at the end of this month, he has checked his credit card yesterday, without any surprise, there are only 99.9 yuan left. he is too distressed and thinking about how to tide over the last days. Being inspired by the entrepr

Cyclic Nacklace HDU - 3746

CC这个月底总是很郁闷,昨天他查了他的信用卡,没有任何意外,只剩下99.9元了。他很苦恼,想着如何度过这最后的几天。受“HDU CakeMan”企业家精神的启发,他想卖一些小东西来赚钱。当然,这并非易事。圣诞节就要到了,男孩们都忙着挑选圣诞礼物送给女朋友。人们认为,链手镯是一个很好的选择。然

Cyclic Nacklace hdu3746 kmp 最小循环节

  题意:给出一段字符串  求最少在最右边补上多少个字符使得形成循环串(单个字符不是循环串)   自己乱搞居然搞出来了。。。 想法是:  如果nex【len】为0  那么答案显然是补len 否则  答案为循环节的长度-nex【len】 小于0变0   写了一个假算法居然能过    。。。 ababca就错

Cyclic Nacklace HDU - 3746

Cyclic Nacklace  HDU - 3746  CC always becomes very depressed at the end of this month, he has checked his credit card yesterday, without any surprise, there are only 99.9 yuan left. he is too distressed and thinking about how to tide over the last days.