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条件测试 下面这些代码需要在python自带的IDLE shall中运行 检查是否相等(检查时区分大小写) car = 'Audi'car=='audi'car = 'Audi'car.lower()=='audi' 检查是否不相等 requested_topping='mushrooms'irequested_topping!='anchovies' 数值比较 age=18age==1

Codeforces Round #447 (Div. 2) E (tarjan + dp)

Ralph is going to collect mushrooms in the Mushroom Forest. There are m directed paths connecting n trees in the Mushroom Forest. On each path grow some mushrooms. When Ralph passes a path, he collects all the mushrooms on the path. The Mushroom Forest

CF894E Ralph and Mushrooms

题目 一眼题。 缩点然后dp。 注意一下计算一条边经过无限次可以获得多少价值这个东西要用到平方和公式。 \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^ni^2=\frac{i(i+1)(2i+1)}6\) #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long #define pb push_back #define pi pair<int,int> using namespace std;


I Algorithm Choosing Mushrooms 时间限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他语言2秒空间限制:C/C++ 32768K,其他语言65536K 64bit IO Format: %lld 题目描述 Baby bear and his good friends are very fond of mushrooms. On this day, they go to 402 mushroom field together. Kuangyeye, th

I.Algorithm Choosing Mushrooms

链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/908/I 题意: Baby bear and his good friends are very fond of mushrooms. On this day, they go to 402 mushroom field together. Kuangyeye, the owner of the mushroom field, is very happy to see the children. He is going to