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翻译练习 Day7

题目:Shortest path of the king | JXNUOJ 翻译: Shortest path of the king 1000ms 65536K 描述: The king is left alone on the chessboard. In spite of this loneliness, he doesn't lose heart, because he has business of national importance. For example, he has to

专题一搜索 B - Knight Moves

题目描述 原题来自:POJ 1915 编写一个程序,计算一个骑士从棋盘上的一个格子到另一个格子所需的最小步数。骑士一步可以移动到的位置由下图给出。 输入格式 第一行给出骑士的数量 nn。在接下来的 3n3n 行中,每 33 行描述了一个骑士。其中, 第一行一个整数 LL 表示棋盘的大小,

Knight Moves题解

题目描述 原题来自:POJ 1915 编写一个程序,计算一个骑士从棋盘上的一个格子到另一个格子所需的最小步数。骑士一步可以移动到的位置由下图给出。 输入格式 第一行给出骑士的数量 n。在接下来的 3n行中,每 3 行描述了一个骑士。其中, 第一行一个整数 L 表示棋盘的大小,整个棋盘

Knight Moves

Description Background Mr Somurolov, fabulous chess-gamer indeed, asserts that no one else but him can move knights from one position to another so fast. Can you beat him?The Problem Your task is to write a program to calculate the minimum number of moves

【leetcode】 机器人能否返回原点 c++

题目描述: 在二维平面上,有一个机器人从原点 (0, 0) 开始。给出它的移动顺序,判断这个机器人在完成移动后是否在 (0, 0) 处结束。 移动顺序由字符串表示。字符 move[i] 表示其第 i 次移动。机器人的有效动作有 R(右),L(左),U(上)和 D(下)。如果机器人在完成所有动作后返回原点,则返回 true

【ARC073D】Many Moves

传送门 我竟然可以独立做出远古ARC的压轴题。我记得上一次做四题 ARC D 还是一道Hall定理+扫描线的神题。 分析: 首先你发现,假设我们已经处理完了前 \(i\) 个询问,则必须有一个棋子在 \(q_{i}\) 的位置。所以我们只关注另外一个棋子的位置,设 \(f_{i,j}\) 是前 \(i\) 轮,另外一个棋子

Knight Moves

Knight Moves 依葫芦画瓢,葫芦在这里: Dungeon Master 代码几乎一样的套路吧~再注意两点: 注意行列与自己设的 x y 坐标的关系!!(竖 x 横 y)注意每一次循环将队列清空:while(!q.empty()) q.pop();否则会报错:Runtime error! //比葫芦画瓢 (高仿 Dungeon Master) //还是注意分清坐标与

Sichuan B.HotPot

题目: Sichuan hotpot is one of the most famous dishes around the world. People love its spicy taste. There are n tourists, numbered from 0 to (n−1), sitting around a hotpot. There are k types of ingredients for the hotpot in total and the i-th tourist favo

Knight Moves(BFS模板)

Problem Description Input Output Sample Input   Source     #include<cstdio> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int N=10; int vis[N][N],sx,sy,tx,ty,ans; int dxy[8][2]= {2,1,2,-1,-2,1

Codeforces Round #719 (Div. 3) E. Arranging The Sheep(中位数)

You are playing the game "Arranging The Sheep". The goal of this game is to make the sheep line up. The level in the game is described by a string of length


在二维平面上,有一个机器人从原点 (0, 0) 开始。给出它的移动顺序,判断这个机器人在完成移动后是否在 (0, 0) 处结束。 移动顺序由字符串表示。字符 move[i] 表示其第 i 次移动。机器人的有效动作有 R(右),L(左),U(上)和 D(下)。如果机器人在完成所有动作后返回原点,则返回 true。否则,返回 fa

Puzzle UVA - 227(模拟,技巧)

Puzzle UVA - 227 A children’s puzzle that was popular 30 years ago consisted of a 5×5 frame which contained 24 small squares of equal size. A unique letter of the alphabet was printed on each small square. Since there were only 24 squares within the fr

C. Board Moves(递推)

题意:有一个n*n的方格图,每个格子可以向周围8个方向移动,一次只能移动一步,最后要让所有的格子都移动到中间格子,问要多少步才能实现目标。 题解: 自己画的图:             当n=1时,只有中间一个小格,所以不需要移动,答案为0。 当n=3时,就要让橙色那一圈方格都移到中间,八个方格移动的步

2020 BIT冬训-模拟与暴力 B - Two Strings Swaps CodeForces - 1006D

Problem Description You are given two strings aa and bb consisting of lowercase English letters, both of length nn. The characters of both strings have indices from 11 to nn, inclusive. You are allowed to do the following changes: Choose any index 

Codeforces Round #667 (Div. 3) A.Yet Another Two Integers Problem

题目: You are given two integers a and b. In one move, you can choose some integer k from 1 to 10 and add it to a or subtract it from a. In other words, you choose an integer k∈[1;10] and perform a:=a+k or a:=a−k. You may use different values of k in differ

LeetCode 657. 机器人能否返回原点 普通与加速做法 模拟

地址 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/robot-return-to-origin/ 在二维平面上,有一个机器人从原点 (0, 0) 开始。 给出它的移动顺序,判断这个机器人在完成移动后是否在 (0, 0) 处结束。 移动顺序由字符串表示。字符 move[i] 表示其第 i 次移动。 机器人的有效动作有 R(右),L(左),U(

[LeetCode] 657. Robot Return to Origin

There is a robot starting at position (0, 0), the origin, on a 2D plane. Given a sequence of its moves, judge if this robot ends up at (0, 0) after it completes its moves. The move sequence is represented by a string, and the character moves[i] represents

657. 机器人能否返回原点『简单』

题目来源于力扣(LeetCode) 目录一、题目二、解题思路3.1 数学计算方式3.2 哈希表方式三、代码实现3.1 数学计算方式3.2 哈希表方式四、执行用时4.1 数学计算方式4.2 哈希表方式五、部分测试用例 一、题目 657. 机器人能否返回原点 题目相关标签:字符串 二、解题思路 3.1 数学计算


你已经有了一个第三方的库“ChessLib”,它可以计算出一个骑士可以做的合法动作 在8×8棋盘上的一个位置。该库已被用来创建一个程序,其中移动的骑士随机周围 给定初始起始位置和要进行的总步数。 问题: = = = = = = = = 扩展这个程序来设置一个8 * 8的方块游戏板,包含几个不同

数据传输示例 Moves.asm

;//数据传输示例 .386 .model flat, stdcall .stack 4096 ExitProcess PROTO, dwExitCode:DWORD .data val1 WORD 1000h val2 WORD 2000h arrayB BYTE 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h arrayW WORD 100h, 200h, 300h arrayD DWORD 10000h, 20000h .code main PROC ;// 演示 MOVZX

LeetCode-657 Robot Return to Origin Solution (with Java)

1. Description: 2. Examples: 3.Solutions: 1 /** 2 * Created by sheepcore on 2019-02-24 3 * best time complexity: O(n) 4 * average time complexity: O(n) 5 * worst time complexity: O(n) 6 * space complexity: O(4); 7 */ 8 class Solution


B - Game on Paper One not particularly beautiful evening Valera got very bored. To amuse himself a little bit, he found the following game. He took a checkered white square piece of paper, consisting of n × n cells. After that, he started to paint the whi

Codeforces Round #624 (Div. 3) A. Add Odd or Subtract Even(水题)

You are given two positive integers aa and bb . In one move, you can change aa in the following way: Choose any positive odd integer xx (x>0x>0 ) and replace aa with a+xa+x ; choose any positive even integer yy (y>0y>0 ) and replace aa with

LeetCode 688. Knight Probability in Chessboard “马”在棋盘上的概率 (C++/Java)

题目: On an NxN chessboard, a knight starts at the r-th row and c-th column and attempts to make exactly K moves. The rows and columns are 0 indexed, so the top-left square is (0, 0), and the bottom-right square is (N-1, N-1). A chess knight has 8 poss

1.22训练赛 --ac2

Final standings Solved: 2 out of 7 ac:A题水题  b题思维题 b题: B. Diagonal Walking v.2time limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputMikhail walks on a Cartesian plane. He starts at the point (0,0), and in o