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C. Chef Monocarp

题意:给定n个盘子,每一个盘子有一个数字    给定一个时间T,我们可以在每一分钟拿出一个盘子,权值为abs(拿出时刻-盘子权值)    每一分钟只能拿一个盘子    求,最小权值 思路:DP;    我们开二维数组dp[][]    前一维表示秒数,第二维表示枚举到了第J个盘子;    我们计算的

C. Chef Monocarp

题目链接:https://codeforces.ml/problemset/problem/1437/C题意:给定n道菜  每个时间只能拿出一道菜, 每道菜的不愉快值= 拿出的时间和a[i]的差值 求总的不愉快值最小值为多少思路:发现直接匹配最小的差值不行 排序后直接匹配找最小的差值也不行 那么只能考虑通过dp来确定当前的这个


E - Buying a TV Set Monocarp has decided to buy a new TV set and hang it on the wall in his flat. The wall has enough free space so Monocarp can buy a TV set with screen width not greater than aa and screen height not greater than bb. Monocarp is also use

[CF1215D] Ticket Game

题目 原题链接 解说 前置 翻译什么的链接里已经说的很清楚了,这里不再赘述,看题吧。 一看见这博弈论模样的题就知道又是思维题了。 设身处地想一想,假如你是游戏里的人你会怎么让自己赢。首先,开局时左右两边数字和肯定有一个大小关系,假如我是\(Monocarp\),我先手,我肯定会在大的一边

CF 1215 D Ticket Game (博弈)

  Monocarp and Bicarp live in Berland, where every bus ticket consists of nn digits (nn is an even number). During the evening walk Monocarp and Bicarp found a ticket where some of the digits have been erased. The number of digits that have been erased i


http://codeforces.com/gym/101911/problem/A Recently Monocarp got a job. His working day lasts exactly m minutes. During work, Monocarp wants to drink coffee at certain moments: there are n minutes a1,a2,…,an , when he is able and willing to take a coffee


[Gym - 101911C] 题目: 中文意: 最近,Monocarp公司创建了自己的迷你实验室!这个实验室含有n细菌。Monocarp知道,他可以合并任何两个细菌具有相同的大小,由此产生的细菌的大小将等于合并细菌的大小之和。例如,如果两个大小等于7的细菌合并,结果是一个大小为14的细菌。很难观察到很