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2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Interview about 2011 Nobel Prizein Physiology or Medicine H:Welcome back, Dr.Fauci. So, before we get into the details, in general terms, this is about how the body fights disease? D:Indeed. What the laureates established and discovered was the pricise


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“没有人比我更懂办期刊。”上一期解刊中,咱们讲到了国人占比79%的SCI毕业神刊Oncology Letters,被爆8篇文章严重抄袭。相关论文抄袭事件共涉及到9篇论文,还有1篇是发表在了Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine杂志上。希腊生物医学综合类期刊Experimental and Therapeutic Medicin