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leetcode 每日一题 473. 火柴拼正方形

leetcode 每日一题  473. 火柴拼正方形 class Solution { int ave = 0; int num = 4; public boolean makesquare(int[] matchsticks) { int sum = 0; for (int matchstick : matchsticks) { sum += matchstick; } av

火柴拼正方形 (暴力回溯法)

回溯方法 对每一根火柴,在正方形的每一条边上都放一下,如果正方形剩余的长度够用的话,就再放下一根,直到每一根火柴都放过。(预处理过,如果全部放入不是正方形的话,不会进DFS)如果不够用的话,就取出来,然后放进下一条边里面。时间复杂度非常的高,因为每一根火柴都可能在四条边的任意一条上

LeetCode-473. 火柴拼正方形

473. 火柴拼正方形 你将得到一个整数数组 matchsticks ,其中 matchsticks[i] 是第 i 个火柴棒的长度。你要用 所有的火柴棍 拼成一个正方形。你 不能折断 任何一根火柴棒,但你可以把它们连在一起,而且每根火柴棒必须 使用一次 。 如果你能使这个正方形,则返回 true ,否则返回 false

Leetcode: 473. Matchsticks to Square

Description You are given an integer array matchsticks where matchsticks[i] is the length of the ith matchstick. You want to use all the matchsticks to make one square. You should not break any stick, but you can link them up, and each matchstick must be

473. Matchsticks to Square

Remember the story of Little Match Girl? By now, you know exactly what matchsticks the little match girl has, please find out a way you can make one square by using up all those matchsticks. You should not break any stick, but you can link them up, and ea

Square Destroyer-POJ 1084 (IDA*)

Description The left figure below shows a complete 3*3 grid made with 2*(3*4) (=24) matchsticks. The lengths of all matchsticks are one. You can find many squares of different sizes in the grid. The size of a square is the length of its side. In the grid

[Swift]LeetCode473. 火柴拼正方形 | Matchsticks to Square

Remember the story of Little Match Girl? By now, you know exactly what matchsticks the little match girl has, please find out a way you can make one square by using up all those matchsticks. You should not break any stick, but you can link them up, and ea