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Qt5.9连接数据库连接错误 QMYSQL driver not loaded

qt程序输出: QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QODBC QODBC3 QPSQL QPSQL7   解决方法: 1.下载 MySQL-C连接器(我不清楚c++版本是否可行,有试过的可以告知我) https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/c-c/  2. 将“

Jenkins 升级问题: Error java.lang.IllegalStateException: An attempt to save the global configuration wa

  Error java.lang.IllegalStateException: An attempt to save the global configuration was made before it was loaded at jenkins.model.Jenkins.save Failed to start LSB: Jenkins Automation Server.             正常升级流程: 1.备份jenkins内容 2.在线升级 3.

PHP 之获取服务器信息

一、效果图    二、代码 function get_server_info() { // 定义输出常量 define('YES', 'Yes'); define('NO', '<span style="color:red">No</span>'); // 服务器系统 $data['php_os'] = PHP


System.BadImageFormatException HResult=0x80131058 Message=Could not load file or assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. Reference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They


系统环境:centos6.5 oracle版本:oracle11gr2      由于客户导出的格式是csv格式的,并且数据量比较大,两千多万,使用plsql不太合适。考虑使用oracle客户端工具sqlldr。      如果提供的有表结构最好,直接导入创建表就行了。如果没有提供,可以先使用wps打开csv文件,根据内容自己去创建


简介: Utility class uses to process GeoServer configuration workflow through external environment variables. This class must be used everytime we need to resolve a configuration placeholder at runtime. An instance of this class needs to be registered in spr

9 ODB Sections

ODB sections are an optimization mechanism that allows us to partition data members of a persistent class into groups that can be separately loaded and/or updated. This can be useful, for example, if an object contains expensive to load or update data mem


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def autolabel(rects): for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() plt.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2.-0.25, 1.01*height, '%s' % float(height), ha='left') name_list = ['

Idea问题:“marketplace plugins are not loaded”解决方案

我点开settings,然后打开plugins工具时竟然给我提示“marketplace plugins are not loaded”!   解决方案: 解决方法时这样的:点击File->settings->Appearance&Behavior->System Settings -> Updates   将Use secure connection(备注:版本不同英文名称会有区别,中文名为检查插件更新)

Unity AssetBundle一个需要注意的地方

记录一个问题,就是如果AssetBundle Name相同 那么如果当他是同时都在内存中时就会有一个问题The AssetBundle 'XXXXX' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded. 无法加载AssetBundle‘XXXXX’,因为已经加载了具有相同文件的另一个As


1.环境问题解决 在不同平台下最常见问题MYSQL driver not loaded win: 可以简单理解driver缺少的问题是相关库缺少的问题, qsqlmysql.dll 与 qsqlmysqld.dll 或是 libmysql.dll与libmysql.lib。 QT:MYSQL driver not loaded解决方法 - ShineLe - 博客园0、参考(按对本人帮助从高


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script> <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery.uploadifive.min.js"></sc

mixed content the page at was loaded over https

问题描述 从HTTPS访问HTTP,违法了Chrome的安全规则 mixed content the page at was loaded over https but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. 解决方案 1.修改meta允许这么访问 <meta ht

qt+mysql开发提示driver not loaded driver not loaded

1.首选确认开发环境下mysql驱动dll文件已复制到qt运行目录: 我使用的qt5.9.9+mingw53_32位的开发环境,安装目录在C:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\mingw53_32 此时下载mysql 32位对应的驱动文件libmysql.dll,此dll文件支持连接MySQL版本5.x-8.x,这里的MySQL不区分32位还是64位,也不需要本机安装M

树莓派3 启动过程分析

The boot sequence of the Raspberry Pi is basically this: Stage 1 boot is in the on-chip ROM. Loads Stage 2 in the L2 cache Stage 2 is bootcode.bin. Enables SDRAM and loads Stage 3 Stage 3 is loader.bin. It knows about the .elf format and loads start.elf s

ERROR 2059 (HY000): Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded

场景 Docker中部署Mysql8数据库: https://blog.csdn.net/BADAO_LIUMANG_QIZHI/article/details/120255887 使用Docker部署Mysql8的服务器之后,使用本地的mysql5.6下的mysqldump进行sql备份时提示: ERROR 2059 (HY000): Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loa

浅析 ProgressEvent 接口及其应用:上传文件进度事件

一、ProgressEvent 介绍   ProgressEvent 接口是测量如 HTTP 请求(一个XMLHttpRequest,或者一个 <img>,<audio>,<video>,<style> 或 <link> 等底层资源的加载)等底层流程进度的事件。 1、构造方法:ProgressEvent() (en-US):用给定的参数创建一个 ProgressEvent 事件。 2、属性:同时继


想让TextBox的高度自动适应内容 通过设置附加属性attach:TextBoxAttach.AutoHeight和TextBlock.LineHeight <TextBox VerticalContentAlignment="Top" attach:TextBoxAttach.AutoHeight="True" AcceptsReturn="True" Text="{Binding Model.Con

AndroidQ RRO(Runtime Resource Overlay)机制(4)

概述 上篇文章说到目标应用的Overlay包路径被更新到了目标应用ApplicationInfo之后,就会将更新之后的ApplicationInfo传给APP进程,本篇继续来看APP进程的处理。 ApplicationThread.scheduleApplicationInfoChanged public void scheduleApplicationInfoChanged(Applicati

Stylesheet not loaded because of MIME-type

Stylesheet not loaded because of MIME-type 引用的路径错误,目标路径没有对应的css文件。因为服务器返回了404错误,是html格式的,匹配不上css In most cases, this could be simply the CSS file path is wrong. So the web server returns status: 404 with some Not Found conten

win7 64位系统 PB连接oracle数据库出现“oracle library oci.dll could not be loaded”问题的解决方法

win7 64位系统 PB连接oracle数据库出现“oracle library oci.dll could not be loaded”问题的解决方法 参考文章: (1)win7 64位系统 PB连接oracle数据库出现“oracle library oci.dll could not be loaded”问题的解决方法 (2)https://www.cnblogs.com/Yingzh/p/4687892.html (3)http

QMYSQL driver not loaded 的解决办法 和 QDomDocument::setContent()

两种办法: https://blog.csdn.net/m15814478834/article/details/49902077 https://www.cnblogs.com/iriczhao/p/11710693.html   QT 使用QDomDocument::setContent()读XML文件总是返回false https://www.cnblogs.com/Zoya-/p/13176631.html

iOS开发之运行报错 dyld: Library not loaded: *** Reason: image not found

xcode运行报错 dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Flutter.framework/Flutter   Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/40C11243-D432-4191-963B-4C8F7694447E/eckforumsdkunitydemo.app/eckforumsdkunitydemo   Reason: image not found 解决方法 在Xc


如果事件的格式是有参数的,但是给它绑定的方法是没有参数的,需要使用 => 来传参 this.Loaded += (s, e) => DiscoverKinectSensor(); this.Unloaded += (s, e) => this.kinect = null; private void DiscoverKinectSensor() {   ...  ... } 其中   DiscoverKinectSensor方法


图片的加载速度往往影响着网站整体的用户体验,尤其对于包含大量图片的网站。 对图片进行预加载,不失为一个高效的解决方案。如何实现预加载?    预加载图片是提高用户体验的一个很好方法。图片预先加载到浏览器中, 访问者便可顺利地在你的网站上冲浪,并享受到极快的加载速度。 这