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Knapsack Problem with Limitations II - 题解【DP,贪心】

题面 这是AIZU上的一道练习题,搬运VJ的链接:Knapsack Problem with Limitations II You have \(N\) items that you want to put them into a knapsack. Item \(i\) has value \(v_i\), weight \(w_i\) and limitation \(m_i\). You want to find a subset of items to put such th

【论文笔记】(JSMA)The Limitations of Deep Learning in Adversarial Settings

摘要 本文是早期的对抗文章,本文最最主要的工作是:提出了一个生成对抗样本的算法--JSMA(Jacobian Saliency Map)。然后在实验阶段,作者首先证明了这个方法使用的扰动很小,但对抗性很强,然后给出了一系列的方法用于计算不同的自然样本和不同的类别被攻击的难易程度,最后证明了JSMA 对抗样本

【论文阅读】Exploring the Limitations of Behavior Cloning for Autonomous Driving

Column: January 16, 2022 11:11 PM Last edited time: January 21, 2022 12:23 PM Sensor/组织: 1 RGB Status: Finished Summary: carla leaderboard的前身,首次提出 IL BC的几点问题 及较为简单的解决办法 实验结果证明较为有效 Type: ICCV Year: 2019 引用量: 148 参考与前言

Limitations of the Lipschitz constant as a defense against adversarial examples

目录概主要内容 Huster T., Chiang C. J. and Chadha R. Limitations of the lipschitz constant as a defense against adversarial examples. In European Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (ECML PKDD), 2018. 概 本文是想说明现有的依赖Lipschitz常数的以获

新手学Python之学习官网教程(十五: Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations)

文章目录 1. 前言 2. 浮点运算的问题和限制 2.1 表示性错误 1. 前言   为了方便大家对照学习,所以先附上本节课对应的官网链接: https://docs.python.org/3.6/tutorial/floatingpoint.html。本节课内容并非Python的核心内容,但浮点数的表示属于各个编程语言的通用内