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Performance Scaling Laws

    并行优化有两个 scaling laws指导优化的界。 Amdahl's Law Amdahl's Law又叫strong scaling law。 Amdahl's Law For a given workload in single node, the theoretical speedup of the latency of the workload, is constricted both by the number of processors ex

《The 48 Laws of Power》(权力的48法则)

《The 48 Laws of Power》(权力的48法则) 法则1:永远不要让自己的风头盖过你的老板。 以与上司想法相呼应的方式来介绍你的想法,将自己放置于虚心寻求上司建议的地位,谨慎的奉承是必要且有用的。 法则2:永远不要对朋友过于信任。 与朋友一起工作会让你混淆工作所需的界限和距离。在共事


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翻译:审美体验的8项法则(8 Laws of Artistic Experience)

引言 原视频链接:8 Laws of Artistic Experience - YouTube Review of Ramachandran and Hirstein’s publication of ‘The Science of Art: A Neurological Theory of Aesthetic Experience’ by a Georgia Tech neurology student. Ramachandran’s work is closely tied