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[Google] LeetCode 552 Student Attendance Record II

An attendance record for a student can be represented as a string where each character signifies whether the student was absent, late, or present on that day. The record only contains the following three characters: 'A': Absent. 'L':


congratulate [过去分词 of congratulari 'to wish happiness', from com- + gratus 'pleasing'] grateful ['pleasing, thankful', from gratus] 感激的; 感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的; 使人感到舒服的 ungrateful ingrate [from ingratus, from gratus 'grateful&

数据结构课程设计2022夏7-2 关键路径

7-2 关键路径 假定一个工程由若干子任务构成,使用一个包含n个顶点、e条边的AOE网表示该工程,顶点编号为1至n,有向边表示该工程的每个子任务,边的权值表示完成该子任务所需的时间,假定网中只含一个源点和一个汇点。请编写程序求出该工程的所有关键活动,并计算完成该工程所需的最短时间


Circulation may refer to: Atmospheric circulation, the large-scale movement of air Circulation (physics), the path integral of the fluid velocity around a closed curve in a fluid flow field Circulatory system, a biological organ system whose primary func

CSP-22-3 DHCP服务器

模拟题 原题链接: https://www.acwing.com/problem/content/3416/ 分析题意,注意细节。 可以不用STL,如果能自己模拟,就不要用STL。 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* 1. 客户端 --Discover--> 服务器 请求IP地址 2. 服务器 --Offer--> 客户端 分配空闲的IP地址


一、有优先级的if语句         if..else  if.. else  if … …else..语句中是有优先级的,第一个if具有最高优先级,最后一个else优先级最低。Quartus综合出的RTL图认为,最高优先级的电路靠近电路的输出,输入到输出的延时较短;最低优先级的电路远离输出端,输入到输出的延时较

Better late than never~ Oxygen Forensic Detective supports APK Downgrade Extraction now~

Couple days ago Oxygen Forensic Detective v14 showed up as below link: https://blog.oxygen-forensic.com/android-app-downgrade/ https://www.forensicfocus.com/news/android-app-downgrade-in-oxygen-forensic-detective/ It's good for OFD to start supporing

Flutter Dart 创建Base类添加泛型

首先看下我们的泛型类 class BaseBean<T> { late String msg; late int code; late T data; } T不能加?号弄成空的。。不知道为啥唉 解析Dio返回的String数据 Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = jsonDecode(response.data); var bean = BaseBean<T>(); bean.m

I Show - 中西文化差异1 Teacher: Ginny

课上内容(Lesson)   You are so man!   manly你好有男人味!When Gabi heard it, he would say: Of course I am a man!   You are so fashion.  fashionable你好时尚哦!When Taylor heard it, she would say: Do you mean fashionable?   He is low.    tasteless他太低级

Lending Club 贷款业务评分卡建模

0. 数据准备 原始数据来源:https://www.kaggle.com/wendykan/lending-club-loan-data/kernels 原始时间跨度:2007-2015 原始数据维度:226万 * 145 本项违约定义:违约16天及其以上 (d_loan = [ "Late (16-30 days)" , "Late (31-120 days)","Charged Off" , "Default",


线性结构 线性结构主要有以下四种: 线性表 栈 队列 栈 每种线性结构都可以用链表或者数组去实现,本身也是属于线性表,个人自学数据结构目前主要用于程序竞赛,所以主要以数组实现为主。 线性表(List) 数据对象集:n个元素构成的有序序列(a1,a2…an) 操作集:线性表L∈List,整数i表示位置

46 Linden Street ACT II

46 Linden Street ACT II Excuse me , officer. Can you help me? Sure. Can you tell me, How to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale? You should take the number 1 subway. Is there a station near here? Yes, The station’s that way. You should take the number 1 tr