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1642. Furthest Building You Can Reach Medium You are given an integer array heights representing the heights of buildings, some bricks, and some ladders. You start your journey from building 0 and move to the next building by possibly using bricks

CF1245E:Hyakugoku and Ladders

CF1245E:Hyakugoku and Ladders 题意描述: 给你一个\(10*10\)的矩阵,矩阵描述如下 最开始的时候你在左下角,你的目标是到达左上角。 你可以走路径或者爬梯子。 路径的定义: 如果当前在一行的最右边,你可以网上爬一格。 如果在行内其他位置,你可以往旁边走。 每一回合你都要掷一个六面

Codeforces Round #597 (Div. 2) E. Hyakugoku and Ladders 概率dp

E. Hyakugoku and Ladders Hyakugoku has just retired from being the resident deity of the South Black Snail Temple in order to pursue her dream of becoming a cartoonist. She spent six months in that temple just playing "Cat's Cradle" so now

并不对劲的CF1245E&F:Cleaning Ladders

CF1245 E. Hyakugoku and Ladders 题目大意 有一个10 \(\times\) 10的网格,你要按这样的路径行走: 网格中有一些单向传送门,每个传送门连接的两个格子在同一列。传送门的方向一定是从下往上的,而且每个格子的出度至多为1,最上面一行的格子没有出去的传送门。 你的行走步骤是这样: 1.抛