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POJ-2942 Knights of the Round Table

题意:一些骑士要进行圆桌会议,每桌要坐奇数个人。互相憎恨的骑士不能相邻。现给出骑士之间的憎恨关系(双向),求删去多少人后,能正常开会。 解:将互相不憎恨的骑士连边,也就是补图。注意每个骑士一定不憎恨他自己(离散数学老师:和自己达成和解,这样挺好的)想想下学期就不能听他扯淡了还有点难过

Tower Defense Basic Pixel Art Pack 4.0

Tower Defense Basic Pixel Art Pack 4.0 This pack contains the basic objects to start building your own Tower Defense game.This pack includes 3 different towers: Knight Tower:-It can create 3 knights.-It can update the knights damage.-It can add a shield t

$POJ2942\ Knights\ of\ the\ Round\ Table$ 图论

正解:图论 解题报告: 传送门! 一道,综合性比较强的题(我是萌新刚学$OI$我只是想练下$tarjan$,,,$QAQ$ 考虑先建个补图,然后现在就变成只有相互连边的点不能做邻居.所以如果有$K$个数能依题目要求坐一张长桌上,就一定是这$K$个数在图上是一个奇环. 所以现在题目就转化成了求所有不

【POJ - 2942】Knights of the Round Table(点双连通分量,二分图判断奇环奇圈)

题干: Being a knight is a very attractive career: searching for the Holy Grail, saving damsels in distress, and drinking with the other knights are fun things to do. Therefore, it is not very surprising that in recent years the kingdom of King Arthur has ex

[Cerc2005]Knights of the Round Table

题目描述 有n个骑士经常举行圆桌会议,商讨大事。每次圆桌会议至少有3个骑士参加,且相互憎恨的骑士不能坐在圆桌的相邻位置。如果发生意见分歧,则需要举手表决,因此参加会议的骑士数目必须是大于1的奇数,以防止赞同和反对票一样多。知道那些骑士相互憎恨之后,你的任务是统计有多少骑士不可