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ACSX: June, 2022

《基础概率练习题》 \(P(A|B)\) 表示在已知 \(B\) 满足的条件下 \(A\) 的概率,则 \(P(A|B)=\dfrac{P(AB)}{P(B)}\)。 此题中,A 为一号 rk1,B 为一号 \(\ge k\)。 \(P(B)={m-k+n-1\choose n-1}\) 除以不加任何限制的总方案数 \(P(AB)\),考虑到每号人 rk1 的几率是相同的,考虑算 rk1 \(


Jan. January 一月, Feb. February 二月, Mar. March 三月, Apr. April 四月, May 五月, Jun. June 六月, Jul. July 七月, Aug. August 八月, Sep. September九月, Oct. October 十月, Nov. November 十一月, Dec. December 十二月。

看完红龙书之后推荐看 Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) 安装目录下面自带的官方sample例子代码

在读完红龙书《DirectX 9.0 3D游戏开发编程基础》一书后,该书作者推荐去读微软官方的DirectX的例子代码(就保存在安装好后的DirectX SDK的安装目录里面),认为读这些例子是读完此书后提升的绝佳选择(此书电子版pdf第10页记载这一说法) 具体操作: 先下载安装  Microsoft DirectX SDK (June


《Direct3D中的2D编程》讲如何使用Direct3D来实现被淘汰掉的directdraw所能实现的功能 即讲了如何把已淘汰的DirectDraw里实现的功能转化为Direct3D的等价形式 《Direct3D中的2D编程》用的已经是很古老的DX8,讲当微软将directdraw从DX8中去掉时,那些游戏程序员要如何从directdraw中

解决LINK : fatal error LNK1104: 无法打开文件“d3dx9.lib”的问题

解决LINK : fatal error LNK1104: 无法打开文件“d3dx9.lib”的问题 先安装Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010),安装包名字叫DXSDK_Jun10.exe,Microsoft DirectX SDK 2010 版本下载 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812Version:Date Published:9.29.196

Statistics of Answers by Platforms from June 2020 to June 2021

Description:Here will use pictures and text to report the statistical data of the answers.  Number of questions answered:56 June 2020 Lost records July 2020 Lost records August 2020                    Answered question 1                 

Statistics of subscribers of each platform from June 2020 to June 2021

Description:Here will use pictures and text to report the statistics of the number of subscribers. Total number of subscribers:4243   1.toutiao(今日头条)DotNet源计划的头条主页 - 今日头条(www.toutiao.com)       2.WeChat public account & WeChat group    


1.查看Eclipse版本号的方法:    1)找到eclipse安装目录。    2)进入readme文件夹,打开readme_eclipse.html。    3)readme_eclipse.html呈现的第二行即数字版本号,如:        <h1>Eclipse Project Release Notes</h1>        <p>Release 4.5.0<br/> Last

【FRRouting User Guide】(一)概述

    FRR是一个功能齐全、高性能的免费软件IP路由套件。     FRR实现了所有的标准路由协议,如BGP、RIP、OSPF、IS-IS等(参见功能矩阵),以及它们的许多扩展。     FRR是一个主要用C语言编写的高性能套件,它可以轻松地处理完整的Internet路由表,并且适用于从廉价sbc(系统基础芯片)到


R语言小白学习笔记11—字符串操作 笔记链接学习笔记11—字符串操作11.1 paste11.2 把格式数据写成串(sprintf)11.3 提取文本11.4 正则表达式总结 笔记链接 学习笔记1—R语言基础. 学习笔记2—高级数据结构. 学习笔记3—R语言读取数据. 学习笔记4—统计图. 学习笔记5—编写

下载DirectX SDK (June 2010)的地址记录

从微软官方下载 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812 下载后截图  

Power BI Desktop June 2020

Reporting Enhancements to mobile authoring In this release we are introducing an improved mobile layout authoring experience and additional mobile layout capabilities. As the Power BI mobile apps have increasingly been adopted by more and more organizatio

Python Selenium 常用方法总结

原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/new-june/p/9599331.html&https://www.cnblogs.com/new-june/p/9599331.html https://blog.csdn.net/xie_0723/article/details/51437650 https://www.cnblogs.com/new-june/p/9599331.html

278. First Bad Version

刷 June-21-2019 记这个题比写这个题花的时间多。不过其实这就是YSLR的YS应用。 public int firstBadVersion(int n) { int l = 1, r = n; while (l <= r) { int m = l + (r - l) / 2; if (isBadVersion(m)) {

June 09th, 2019. Week 24th, Sunday

The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you. 你在我身上看到的美,正是你的倒影。 From Jalaluddin Rumi. What we see of others and of the world would be the reflection of what we want to see. So, if we want to see the beauty in others, we must have our eyes foc


<?php $monthName = array(1 => "January", "February", "March",//初始化一个数组 "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October&qu

June 30th. 2018, Week 26th. Saturday

Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. 如果学习是一根蜡烛,那好奇心就是烛芯。 From William Arthur Ward. Please keep curiosity strong. We were all born with curiosity, but many of us might lose our curiosity all too soon. But curiosity is very important