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sensitive 敏感的                complicated 结构复杂的 shoulder 肩膀 delegate 代表 fruit 水果 official 正式的 passenger 乘客 fork 叉 highly 非常 lose 失去 baggage 行李 distance 距离 model 模型 honey 蜂蜜 bottle  瓶子 stereo 立体声 desirable 令人


前言 区块链系统采用去中心化的组织形式,整个系统非常的扁平化不存在中心化的权威机构或者层级结构管理机构,通过分布式节点间博弈来达到整个系统的自适应,确保了系统整体的稳定性。区块链目前被普遍认为是一种”颠覆性”的新兴技术,其最大的创新性在于重构了弱信用主体间的信任关系

【Leetcode】1678. Goal Parser Interpretation

题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/goal-parser-interpretation/ 给定一个只含"G", "()", "(al)"的各种拼接组成的字符串 s s s,要求将"()"解析为"o",将"


今天立下了一个flag,研究生期间吃下elements of statistical learning。 在Preface中发现一段非常有意思的话:  There is no true interpretation of anything; interpretation is avehicle in the service of human comprehension. The value ofinterpretation is in enabling ot

SAP BRF+ Interpretation Mode与Generation Mode

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Oct 02, 2014 在Simulation mode下测试一个ruleset时, 可以选择Simulation Mode为Interpretation Mode或者Generation Mode。 这两者的区别是,如果以Interpretation Mode运行ruleset, 则ruleset里每条rule包含的formula都会由BRF 框架

Proximal Algorithms 3 Interpretation

目录 Moreau-Yosida regularization 与次梯度的联系 \(\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda f} = (I + \lambda \partial f)^{-1}\) 改进的梯度路径 信赖域问题 Proximal Algorithms 这一节,作者总结了一些关于proximal的一些直观解释 Moreau-Yosida regularization 内部卷积(infimal co

An Interpretation of Depth Value

An Interpretation of Depth ValueRecently when I am working on Screen Space Reflection, I noticed there are some subtleties in the computation of depth value.In this article I will explain the deeper meaning in the computation of depth value.Perspective Pr

An interpretation of depth value

An Interpretation of Depth Value   Recently when I am working on Screen SpaceReflection, I noticed there are some subtleties in the computation of depthvalue.   In this article I will explain the deepermeaning in the computation of depth value.   Perspect