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Your five-year-old daughter has just announced that she would like to attend college

Your five-year-old daughter has just announced that she would like toattend college. The College Board has reported that the average cost oftuition, room, board, and other expenses at public four-year colleges is$18,391 in the 2013–2014 academic year. The

基于 InVEST 模型的水涵养功能评估数据获取

最近在做森林水涵养的项目,小猴子也是第一次接触,记录一下自己用到的数据的获取方式,还未完成,后续再继续补充。 一、InVEST模型 1. 下载模型 下载网址:https://naturalcapitalproject.stanford.edu/software/invest 选择需要下载的版本和说明文档。(还有中文版的说明文档哦) 2. 安


工具类 import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * 等额本息计算工具类 * * <p> * 等额本息还款,也称定期付息,即借款人每月按相等的金额偿还贷款本息,其中每月贷款利息按月初剩余贷款本金计算并逐月结清。把按揭贷款的本金总额


SMART是一套创建Sprint目标等目标的标准,这是Sprum团队编写的简短声明(基于产品负责人的初始目标),引导他们朝着他们想要完成的目标前进。SMART代表具体,可衡量,可实现,相关和有时限。以SMART格式编写目标可确保目标设定者明确他们想要完成的内容,时间和方式。 小号 pecific:设定目标时


  最近,公司现网的业务中出现上图所示的死锁异常,沿着问题分析,发现这个问题涉及很多数据库的基础知识。   背景:   使用数据库:Mysql   涉及表格:t_invest   数据库隔离级别:可重复读(Repeatable Read)   死锁场景:saveRepaymentInfo事务的A()方法对t_invest表执行如下update

MySQL分组并取每组中create_time字段的最大值, 及这条记录的所有值(理解groupId本质)

invest_order_code 排查单号 求获取排查单号相同数大于1的排查单号 SELECT invest_order_code FROM t_invest_order GROUP BY invest_order_code HAVING COUNT(invest_order_code)>1   求排查单未PC20190429092529981636,且id最大的那个id 错误写法:  SELECT invest_order_co

INVEST Stories / SMART Tasks

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/RelaxTintin/archive/2009/05/19/1460432.html The information was extracted from XPlorationsXP teams have to manage stories and tasks. The INVEST and SMART acronyms can remind teams of the good characteris


在某些场景下,需要将一组数据插入数据库中,如果已存在,则进行更新。如果数据库是mysql,我们可以使用on duplicate key update语句,而不需要分别处理insert和update。   之前看了好多帖子,表结构和实体类要么都是驼峰,要么都是小写,而我的项目里表结构是下划线命名的,导致我一开始用时

INVEST Stories / SMART Tasks

The information was extracted from XPlorationsXP teams have to manage stories and tasks. The INVEST and SMART acronyms can remind teams of the good characteristics of each. In XP, we think of requirements of coming in the form of user stories. It would b

INVEST Stories / SMART Tasks

The information was extracted from XPlorationsXP teams have to manage stories and tasks. The INVEST and SMART acronyms can remind teams of the good characteristics of each. In XP, we think of requirements of coming in the form of user stories. It would b