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MathProblem 79 Three humans, three monkeys, and a boat problem
One one side of a river are three humans, one big monkey, two small monkeys, and one boat. Each of the humans and the big monkey are strong enough to row the boat. The boat can fit one or two bodies (regardless of size). If at any time at either side of tLecture Writing
The two lectures talked about different opinions about the first grain-based food human has ever discovered, the reading material thinks that bread is the first grain-based food, while the listening lecture thinks that beer is the first grain-based food.Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
.pdf.zip博客园下载 2,083KB Nick Bostrom is the author of over 200 publications, and has written two books and co-edited two others. The two books he has authored are Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy (2002) and Superintel科学发现:人类如蝼蚁 | 经济学人全球早报精选
文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记) 2021年10月25号的清晨,来杯“经济学人浓香咖啡”,提神解困。 Hive mind: Why human brains shrank Brainpower allowed humans to go from being just another primate to reshaping the planet. Brains quadrupled in size after tJavaScript面向对象
JavaScript面向对象 什么是面向对象 学过java的都懂 简单来说就是将 变量 方法 等 封装到对象里 我们在其他地方 只需要通过这个对象就能调用 对象里的 内容 用法也和java 差不多 创建对象的三种方法 第一种 通过new Object(); 来创建对象的方式 <script> //第一种创建设计模式5 - 工厂方法模式【Factory Method Pattern】
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一 用 simplexml_load_file 读取xml文件 <?php $xml_array=simplexml_load_file('person.xml'); //将XML中的数据,读取到数组对象中 foreach($xml_array as $tmp) { echo $tmp->name."-".$tmp->sex."-".$tmp->olPython爬虫从入门到精通基础篇(04)P15-P19处理不信任的SSL证书session:使用cookie使用代理requests库的基本使用post请求
P15-12-requests库的基本使用 requests库 Http for humans 安装和文档地址 pip install requests 发生GET请求 1.最简单的发送get请求FTO Obesity Variant Circuitry and Adipocyte Browning in Humans
好文献非常难得,提供了核心的研究思路。 FTO Obesity Variant Circuitry and Adipocyte Browning in Humans - 这篇文章需要好好的解析 为深入研究一个non-coding variant的作用机制提供了完整的思路 本文宏伟的目标:we sought to identify a causal variant with regulatory每日一句(12)
Social scinence is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same resoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(2003, 62) seek to 力图..python集合
list&tuple list和tuple都是有序集合,list是可变对象,tuple是不可变对象 list特点: 查找和插入的时间随着元素的增加而增加(缺点); 占用空间小,浪费内存很少(优点) 1 # -*-coding:utf8 -*- 2 3 #定义list 4 humans = ['Lily','Sherry','Mami'] 5 #获取list的元素个数 6 humans_len =7 Billion Humans橙色和红色部分
Compulsory Office Romance 工作第46年,我终于要结婚了。 我已经拥有了记忆,这样的经历绝对是真实的。但是我和她都没有表达爱意的功能,不能体会到什么是浪漫。 还好公司了解到这个情况后为我们两个准备了培养感情的机会。 主管把我们叫去Love楼层,第一件事是教会我们两个相互传递