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Unit 18

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# 实例化 class Chinese: def __init__(self, chinese_name, chinese_age, chinese_gender): self.chinese_name = chinese_name self.chinese_age = chinese_age self.chinese_gender = chinese_gender # 函数属性 def habit(self):


# 面向对象编程 class Dog: def __init__(self, dog_name, dog_gender, dog_type): self.name = dog_name self.gender = dog_gender self.type = dog_type def wang(self): print('一条名字为[%s]的[%s], 汪汪汪' % (self.name, self

java - Builder模式实例化对象

Builder 优雅的链式调用来实现实例化对象 1.  首先在实体类中,构造一个内部类,由内部类来完成Person的属性赋值,并最终执行build来完成Person的实例化 package com.example.entity;/** * @author: GuanBin * @date: Created in 下午7:20 2019/5/26 */public class Person { priva

How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide

How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide by James Clear Read this on JamesClear.com  According to researchers at Duke University, habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviors on any given day. [1] Understanding how to build new habit


目录 翻译正文 Bad Habit #1: Testing Things You Don’t Understand(坏习惯#1:测试你不理解的事情) Bad Habit #2: Testing Only What the Story Tells You to Test(坏习惯#2:仅测试story告诉您测试的内容) Bad Habit #3: Assuming That Odd Behavior Is Correct Behavior(坏习惯#3: