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2021/07/12 RN真机调试 Apache服务器报 403 错误

检查apache的httpd.conf文件是否允许所有ip访问 2021/07/12背景:手机访问电脑(win10)的Apache服务器下的php文件,在同一局域网下报 403 错误,在电脑地址栏输入接口地址可正常访问,手机打开RNapp访问接口就会报错。注:Apache服务集成于WampServer,且启动绿标。解决方案:找到wamp图标,点击选中


//就举一个例子 记得加上async异步 async requestReadPermission() { try { //返回string类型 const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, { //第一次请求拒绝后提示用户你为什么要这个权限 ‘title’: ‘

查询 Oralce 某 schema 所拥有的权限

--https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/14901/oracle-list-users-with-access-to-certain-tables select lpad(' ', 2*level) || granted_role "User, his roles and privileges" from ( /* THE USERS */ select null grantee


先上ports.conf及相关文件: ports.conf # If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also # have to change the VirtualHost statement in # /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf NameVirtualHost *:80 Listen 80 NameVirtualHost *:

Xamarin 动态申请 android 权限

if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.M) { var permission = Permission.ReadExternalStorage; if (ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(this, permission) != Android.Content.PM.Permission.Granted)


一、实验复现 MySQL版本8.0,隔离级别RR和RC均能复现。 1.创建表,构造数据 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `a` int NOT NULL, `b` int DEFAULT NULL, `c` int DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`a`), UNIQUE KEY `b` (`b`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900


事务基本要数(ACID) 1 原子性(ATOMICITY) 事务开始所有操作要么全部做完,要么全部不做,不可能停留在中间环节。事务执行过程中出错要回滚到事务开始前的状态。 2 一致性(CONSISTENCY) 事务开始前和结束后,数据库的完整性约束没有被破坏。比如A向B转账不可能A扣了钱,B却没有收到 3 隔离性(IS


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String TAG = “MainActivity”; private static final int PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 1; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanc

关于Apache报错 couldn't perform authentication. AuthType not set!

  今天在使用apache搭建yum的web服务时,配置完成后、访问http://ip 时,浏览器报错:500 Internal Server Error 然后查询error.log发现,有如下错误提示: [Sat Jul 18 11:28:23 2020] [crit] [client] configuration error: couldn't perform authentication. AuthType n


一、Apache  (1)基于访问主机头(FQDN)cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhostfqdn.conf  <virtualhost *:80> documentroot /data/web01 servername www.web01.com <directory /data/web01> require all granted </directory> CustomLog "logs/a_access_log" 

【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-第7题

Choose three Which three are true about granting object privileges on tables, views, and sequences? A) UPDATE can be granted only on tables and views. B) DELETE can be granted on tables, views, and sequences. C) REFERENCES can be granted only on tables an

【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-第7题

Choose three Which three are true about granting object privileges on tables, views, and sequences? A) UPDATE can be granted only on tables and views. B) DELETE can be granted on tables, views, and sequences. C) REFERENCES can be granted only on tables an

wampserver apache 403无权限访问 You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server

今天接到要求 需要配置一下https 折腾好久 最后好还遇到了权限不够的问题 最后解决方案如下 我这边补充一下我的方法 我的apache是 2.4.23 版本 是由 wampserver集成的在 httpd.conf 里面找到<Directory />AllowOverride noneRequire all denied</Directory>修改成下面这样就好了<D


Apache配置URL重定向 修改/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf文件的内容 <Directory "/var/www"> AllowOverride None # Allow open access: Require all granted </Directory> 为 <Directory "/var/www"> AllowOverride All # Allow o


wampserver2.5集成环境的安装和使用就不多说了,网上有很多教材。安装好后找到apache的配置文件httpd.conf。默认位置是: swap安装目录\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf 在278行处找到(也可全文搜索) onlineoffline tag - don't remove Require local 将此处修改如下 onlin

Android: requires android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, or grantUriPermission()

在安卓上使用组件react-native-contacts报错,是需要添加联系人的时候,说是权限问题,配置了manifest文件后依然不起效果,   解决方法:   在需要引入react-native-contacts组件的页面,添加如下代码 componentDidMount = () => { //Checking for the permission just after comp

【12c】OCP 062近期新出现的考试原题-第28题

第28题、choose one Unified auditing is enabled in your database. The HR_ADMIN and OE_ADMIN roles exist and are granted system privileges. You execute the command: SQL>CREATE AUDIT POLICY table_aud PRIVILEGES CREATE ANY TABLE, DROP ANY TABLE ROLES hr_admin

【12c】OCP 062近期新出现的考试原题-第28题

第28题、choose one Unified auditing is enabled in your database. The HR_ADMIN and OE_ADMIN roles exist and are granted system privileges. You execute the command: SQL>CREATE AUDIT POLICY table_aud PRIVILEGES CREATE ANY TABLE, DROP ANY TABLE ROLES hr_admin

OCP 062考试题库2019年新出现的考题-17

choose one What is a pre-requisite to alter a role? A) You should set the OS_ROLES parameter to true. B) You should be granted the DBA role. C) You should be granted the role with the GRANT OPTION. D) You should have the ALTER ANY ROLE system privilege. A

Apache+Tomcat共享session proxy模块

vim /application/apache/conf/extra/httpd-proxy.conf ProxyRequests Off <proxy balancer://lbcluster1> BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=1 BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=1 ProxySet lbmethod=bytraffic </proxy&