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利用 GOST 搭建加密中转隧道(UDP+TCP)

落地机、中转机安装 gost wget -N --no-check-certificate https://github.com/ginuerzh/gost/releases/download/v2.11.0/gost-linux-amd64-2.11.1.gz && gzip -d gost-linux-amd64-2.11.1.gz mv gost-linux-amd64-2.11.1 gost chmod +x gost   1.UDP+TCP中转。 国内中转


序本文主要研究一下gost的DeltaCompare DeltaComparegost/math/compare.go // equivalent to math.Abs(expected - actual) <= deltafunc DeltaCompareFloat64(expected float64, actual float64, delta float64) bool {if expected > actual {return expected-actual <= delta


序本文主要研究一下gost的DeltaCompare DeltaComparegost/math/compare.go // equivalent to math.Abs(expected - actual) <= deltafunc DeltaCompareFloat64(expected float64, actual float64, delta float64) bool {if expected > actual {return expected-actual <= delta


序 本文主要研究一下gost的GenericTaskPool GenericTaskPool gost/sync/task_pool.go // GenericTaskPool represents an generic task pool. type GenericTaskPool interface { // AddTask wait idle worker add task AddTask(t task) bool // AddTaskAlways add task to


序 本文主要研究一下gost的Pager Pager gost/hash/page/pager.go // Pager is the abstraction for pagination usage. type Pager interface { // GetOffset will return the offset GetOffset() int // GetPageSize will return the page size GetPageSize() int /


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