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Fansblog(Miller_Rabin, 费马小定理, 逆元, 威尔逊定理)

题面 给你一个素数p,让你求 k!%p, 其中k为比p小的整数里最大的素数。例如p=5,则k=3。p=11,则k=7。 k! = k*(k-1)*······21; Input 第一行包含一个整数 T(1<=T<=10) 表示测试样例的个数. 接下来有T行,每行包含一个素数 p (1e9≤p≤1e14) Output 对于每个测试样例,输出一个整

问题 F: Fansblog(威尔逊定理+Miller-Rabin素数检测算法)

题目描述 Farmer John keeps a website called ‘FansBlog’ .Everyday , there are many people visited this blog.One day, he find the visits has reached P , which is a prime number.He thinks it is a interesting fact.And he remembers that the visits had rea

杭电多校Day3 1006 Fansblog

原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/cloudy_happy/article/details/99571628 原题链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=6608 题目大意:给你一个质数p;让你找到比p小的最大质数q,然后求出q的阶乘模p的结果。 解题思路:首先我们需要知道威尔逊定理:

HDOJ 6608 Fansblog

题目链接 Problem Description Farmer John keeps a website called ‘FansBlog’ .Everyday , there are many people visited this blog.One day, he find the visits has reached P , which is a prime number.He thinks it is a interesting fact.And he remembers tha