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澳门科技大学计算机系大一新生 一个曾经两次联赛失败无奈退役的OIer;一个因为高考失常只能花费昂贵学费走上留学道路的Five。 编写博客只为分享生活、学习上的经验与困惑,希望能给他人和自己带来帮助。 一起为了未来而奋斗吧!

python 中的input

一、 在python编程初学者指南中的第六章、使用参数和返回值的例子中: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-def display(message): print messagedef give_me_five(): five = 5 return fivedef ask_yes_no(question): """ Ask a yes or no questions. """ response


860. 柠檬水找零 优先消耗10美元,因为5美元的找零用处更大,能多留着就多留着 class Solution: def lemonadeChange(self, bills: List[int]) -> bool: five, ten = 0, 0 for bill in bills: if bill == 5: five += 1 e


原题传送门 1. 题目描述 2. Solution DFS import sys if sys.platform != "linux": sys.stdin = open("input/HJ93.txt") def dfs(three, five, other): if not other: return sum(three) == sum(five) if dfs(three + other[:1], five, o


The suanpan (simplified Chinese: 算盘; traditional Chinese: 算盤; pinyin: suànpán), is an abacus of Chinese origin first described in a 190 CE book of the Eastern Han Dynasty, namely Supplementary Notes on the Art of Figures written by Xu Yue. However, the

a1005 Spell It Right (string应用)

1005 Spell It Right (20 分) Given a non-negative integer N, your task is to compute the sum of all the digits of N, and output every digit of the sum in English. Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. Each case occupies one line which

【C++学习】- Recursion(递归)

Resurcion The usual method is to make the recursive call part of an if statement. Wtih luck or foresight, tesst eventually becomes false, and the chain of calls is broken. void recurs(argumentlist) { statements1 if (test) recurs(arguments) statements


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报七年级第3期答案汇总   Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was seventy-five

The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference

原文:https://github.com/joaoBordalo/feup-COMP/blob/master/The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference.pdf ANTLR V4介绍 新的解析技术:Adaptive LL() or ALL() 简化对expression的语法表达 自动将左递归规则重写为等价的非左递归规则 parse-tree walker: listener and visitor pattern


基础知 # coding: utf-8 """ # @Time : 2022/1/9 17:56 # @Author : Gina Gao # @File : # @Software: PyCharm # @Descript: """ # 基础知识串讲 # Python库Faker的使用(1):基础使用方法与函数速查 five_men_fight_bg = {"wangdan", "wangwu&q

A Child's History of England.192

Next day, the House of Commons send [send sth by post] into the City to let the Lord Mayor know that their privileges are invaded by the King, and that there is no safety for anybody or anything. Then, when the five members are gone out of the way [far],


测试数据自己动手组建先上效果图(动画滚动,体现在代码定时器里)         //抽奖 runLottery() { const that = this const { getLuckyBoxHomepage, classData, numType } = this.data let ope


上一篇介绍了五星红旗的画法 Python(Tuirtle库)绘制五星红旗详细画法 顺路做一个升旗的动画 绘制红旗还是使用上一篇的代码,只是做了少量更改。 动画原理:         动画会动吗?         其实它不会         动画的原理是眼睛的视觉驻留 物体在快速运动时, 当人眼所看

1. AlexNet -- 经典论文阅读

阅读总结 AlexNet是深度学习浪潮的奠基作之一,发表在 2012 年. 不管是看博客,还是分享的文章,都不如直接阅读论文本身,论文是作者毫不保留的拍给你~ 作者: 0. Abstract 我做了啥,是什么效果,靠什么达到了这个效果. 1. Introduction In the end, the network’s size is limited

1005 Spell It Right (20 分)(字符串处理)

Given a non-negative integer N, your task is to compute the sum of all the digits of N, and output every digit of the sum in English. Input Specification Each input file contains one test case. Each case occupies one line which contains an N (<= 10100)

IELTS-writing exercise Expository_Text_13

动态图表+如何分段 Q: The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989. 首段 改写题目 The bar chart compares five major cities in terms o

CF1430A Number of Apartments

Recently a new building with a new layout was constructed in Monocarp’s hometown. According to this new layout, the building consists of three types of apartments: three-room, five-room, and seven-room apartments. It’s also known that each room of each

860. 柠檬水找零

算法记录 LeetCode 题目:   在柠檬水摊上,每一杯柠檬水的售价为 5 美元。顾客排队购买你的产品,(按账单 bills 支付的顺序)一次购买一杯。 思路 算法记录说明一、题目二、分析 总结 说明 一、题目   每位顾客只买一杯柠檬水,然后向你付 5 美元、10 美元或 20 美元。


一、介绍 icecream是python的一个打印调试工具,方便我们调试代码 二、安装库 pip install icecream 三、使用 1、在代码里面导入库 from icecream import ic 2、加入打印的内容 def plus_five(a): return a+5 num1 = 20 num2 = 30 ic(plus_five(1)) ic(num1) ic(num2)

HTB-Emdee five for life

一开始扫了一下端口,发现了30951端口,浏览器打开后没有什么特别的,然后就按照题目提示写了,跟以前做的一个叫秋名山神的题目很像,就拿python跑了一个 lao@laolao:~$ sudo nmap -sS -Pn -A Host discovery disabled (-Pn). All addresses will be marked 'up' and scan


老村长在村口支了一个西瓜摊卖西瓜,规定每人只能买一个瓜,一个瓜5元。 村民们手里有5元,10元,20元币值的钱。 拿5元买瓜,不用找零。 拿10元买瓜,需要找零5元。 拿20元买瓜,需要找零15元。 请写出一个函数,检查老村长能否对排队买瓜的所有人找零钱,如果能,返回true,否则,返回false。 go实现:


DECLARE @Count INT SELECT @Count= COUNT(1) FROM DZ_TEMP.dbo.Temp_Five_Time_Interval_Source BEGIN IF @Count>0 TRUNCATE TABLE DZ_TEMP.dbo.Temp_Five_Time_Interval_SourceEND --插入数据 DECLARE @dayBegin datetime,@dayEnd datetimeset @dayBegin = '

小白必看的mysql~day five

约束 1、约束(constraint) 1.1、什么是约束?常见的约束有哪些? 再创键表的时候,可以给表的字段添加相应的约束,添加约束的目的是为了保证表中的数据的合法性、有效性、完整性。 常见的约束有哪些? 非空约束(not null):约束的字段不能为null 唯一约束(unique):约束的字段不能重复 主键约束(p

Vocabulary: Intercept - Consul

Intercept He managed to intercept the ball before it reached the net. (to catch or receive (a pass made by an opponent))   Deadweight The deadweight of this truck is 10 tons. Don’t overload it!        (burden)   Pentagon (a flat shape that has f


【萌新投稿】自学几个月Python制作的明日方舟寻访模拟器 很拙劣的程序。技术力不足,代码还有很多欠缺之处,希望大佬们多多指教! 卡池.py # '0'和重复的元素只是为了控制概率 test = { 'six_up':['Aup','0'], 'five_up':['Bup','0'], 'six_stars':[�