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Java机试题*: 矩阵乘法计算量估算(使用FILO队列进行运算)

描述 矩阵乘法的运算量与矩阵乘法的顺序强相关。例如: A是一个50×10的矩阵,B是10×20的矩阵,C是20×5的矩阵 计算A*B*C有两种顺序:((AB)C)或者(A(BC)),前者需要计算15000次乘法,后者只需要3500次。 编写程序计算不同的计算顺序需要进行的乘法次数。   本题含有多组样例输入! 数据范围:数据组数:,

ACboy needs your help again!(栈和队列)HDU - 1702

题目:ACboy needs your help again! 中文大意 ACboy was kidnapped!! he miss his mother very much and is very scare now.You can’t image how dark the room he was put into is, so poor : (. As a smart ACMer, you want to get ACboy out of the monster’s laby

[VC] 队列类

MFC 里有CList类具有链表,队列功能,通过封装可做成FIFO,FILO队列. 在多线程中应用可结合互斥锁使用. 例子: =========FIFO (First In First Out)=============== CList<CString> g_mList; void Queue_FIFO_Push(CString strIn) {     g_mList.AddTail( strIn ); //从尾部

HDU 1702 ACboy needs your help again!(栈和队列)

题目 Problem Description ACboy was kidnapped!! he miss his mother very much and is very scare now.You can’t image how dark the room he was put into is, so poor


现在的计算机面试题中大多都会问到堆和栈的区别,下面仔细讲讲两者的六大区别: 1.管理方式不同 堆是由程序员通过 调用系统库函数来管理内存,所以管理不力 就会出现常说的内存泄漏 栈是由计算机系统分配内存 而且系统有专门的寄存器存储栈指针。 2.生长方式不同 堆是向高地