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Retraining an Image Classifier | TF Hub

tf2_image_retraining Image classification models have millions of parameters. Training them from scratch requires a lot of labeled training data and a lot of computing power. Transfer learning is a technique that shortcuts much of this by taking a piece

#PaperWeekly# 2021 EfficientNetV2: 谷歌发布更小、更快、更强的深度学习模型

文章目录 前言一、动机与贡献二、EfficientNetV2的模型结构1.EfficeientNet存在的三个问题2.EfficeientNetV2改进 三.改进版渐进式学习算法4.实验结果5. 结论和一些思考 前言 今天介绍一篇谷歌大脑最近发布的论文,EfficientNetV2。号称更小、更快、更强的深度学习模型,较

