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撇号位于两个双引号之间,因此Python解释器能够正确地理解这个字符串: message="One of Python's strengths is its diverse community." print(message) 执行结果 One of Python's strengths is its diverse community. 然而,如果你使用单引号,Python将无法正确地确定字符串的结

图像修复 2021年

大概做一个汇总,做备注,里面都是我打算看的,不全。 1. Generating Diverse Structure for Image Inpainting With Hierarchical VQ-VAE (CVPR 2021) 2. Image Inpainting with External-internal Learning and Monochromic Bottleneck (CVPR 2021) 3. PD-GAN: Probabilistic Divers

CSU-暑假集训题 Diverse Strings

题目链接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1144/A 思路: 这个就是判断一个序列出现的字母是否能构成一段连续的字母序,就是模拟。 AC代码 #include<iostream>using namespace std;int a[26];int main(){ int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { string s;

Diverse Strings

A string is called diverse if it contains consecutive (adjacent) letters of the Latin alphabet and each letter occurs exactly once. For example, the following strings are diverse: “fced”, “xyz”, “r” and “dabcef”. The following string are not diver

CF1108D Diverse Garland(题解)

题面:https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/show/CF1108D 咳咳在wzz大佬的提醒下去刷了这道水题,算法思路是贪心。 由于从前往后贪比较麻烦(我看到许多题解大佬都从前往后贪),所以我从后往前贪简单一些。 也就是说是判s[i]和s[i-1]而不是s[i]和s[i+1]。 下面上代码(详解在代码里面)   1 #i

Codeforces-D-Diverse Garland(思维)

You have a garland consisting of nn lamps. Each lamp is colored red, green or blue. The color of the ii-th lamp is sisi ('R', 'G' and 'B' — colors of lamps in the garland). You have to recolor some lamps in this garland (reco