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This week in Databend #20

Databend aimed to be an open source elastic and reliable cloud warehouse, it offers blazing fast query and combines elasticity, simplicity, low cost of the cloud, built to make the Data Cloud easy. This week, Databend releases v0.6.0-nightly and begins a

正选择分析-PAML discussion group

1.branch-site模型的多个前景枝设定 有两种检测方式:1)多次分别检测,每次检测一个前景枝,并且去除其他目标前景枝;2)一次检测多个前景枝,将所有感兴趣的枝都标记为前景枝。这两种检测方式意味着不同的生物学假设,如果是对某一个基因做正选择分析,那么第一种是假设这个基因在目标枝都受到正

The last discussion about the prototype

1:create Object 2:create function 3:create a rule:all instance must have __proto__, and it reference to Father's prototype 4:create a rule:the prototype is object,and it has a attribute named constructor,the constructor reference to it self 5:correct

第四期:写一篇高水平的工程类英文论文(SCI/EI)_结论与讨论Result and Discussion【论文写作】

Exchange Technical community discussion group

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